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"Well, Sunny, what do you think?" Luke asked again.
"I'll do it. But it's your call in the end." I replied.
"How familiar are you with the part?"
"I've run lines with Robin and know what her role is."
Good. Here's what I want you to do. Learn your part for the first two scenes. That shouldn't be too much to learn by tomorrow and we'll meet at noon and see how you do. I'm not saying you got the part, but show me something tomorrow and you have a good shot, okay?"
"Okay," I said.
Luke turned and addressed the group, "That's it for today. Tomorrow, noon, right here, no excuses, everyone needs to understand that we are on life support at the moment and still have more work to do. We should all thank Mel and Sunny and Shari for thinking outside the box, I hope it works. I think we'll have a better idea of where we stand tomorrow. Now get out of here and I'll see you all tomorrow. Except for you three, I want to talk to you guys for just a minute."
Everybody left except for the brothers, Luke's wife, Mel, Shari, and myself. Luke was giving me some tips on making my voice softer. Mark couldn't leave me alone, he seemed to be constantly touching me for some reason. If I wasn't concentrating on the pointers Luke was giving me, I might have been annoyed. His actions didn't escape Mel and Shari's observations. After the Sutherland's left, Mel and Shari were all over me about Mark. I asked them what they were talking about, I was too busy with Luke to notice anything unusual.
"Oh girl, you better watch out for that Mark, he's got it bad for you," Shari teased.
"You're crazy," I told her.
"Nope, ask Mel. Hey Mel, you think Mark's got the hots for Sunny?"
"Does a fat chick like cake?" She answered.
"See, you better watch your ass, sweetie."
"I'm getting out of these clothes," I said and headed off to the dressing room with the girls following.
I started to remove the make-up when Mel asked, "Why don't you come home with us tonight, Robin won't be there?"
"Not tonight, okay. So much has happened today. Everything is happening so fast. I got a lot to think about. You know what I mean?"
"Yeah, I guess I do. This has been a strange day. I hope you aren't upset with me for getting you involved like this. I didn't do it to hurt you. It just seemed like a good idea at the time," Mel said, sitting down next to me.

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