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As busy as I was, I managed to find the time Wednesday morning to take Antonio up on his tour offer. It was just as I suspected, a chance to get some young lady alone and in the dark depths of the building. That is where I found myself unbuckling his pants and making love to his cock while he kept a lookout for any staff roaming around. He came in my mouth and I shared his cum with him until we heard someone coming down the stairs and took off in the other direction, not looking back until we were well out of sight. Public sex can be very exciting, the chance of getting discovered adds a lot of sexual tension to what is happening.
We had a final run through Thursday after lunch and it went perfect. So did the opening and we were well received, even got a review. It wasn't glowing, but it wasn't that bad either. Friday we had two more critics in the audience and everybody stepped up their game and it was a much tighter performance. This showed up in the more positive reviews, which pumped everyone up and Saturday was as good as Friday. The troupe was really psyched because we were doing a play in New York City and we were not that bad. We all left Saturday night on a high and looked forward to the rest of the run with great anticipation.
Then came Sunday and our bubble burst. First, early Sunday morning Joe got a call that his wife had been in a car accident. She broke her nose, ruptured her spleen, and had to spend some time in the hospital. Joe was devastated, he would have to leave as soon as possible to take care of his two kids and his wife when she got out. He made a reservation to fly home after the matinee. Then he called his contacts to see if he could get somebody to work the board for the rest of the run. With all the theaters in New York, he didn't have a problem finding someone. They arranged to meet before the matinee and Joe would show him the ropes. Problem solved.
But it was just the beginning. After the show, Robin tripped, fell down the stairs, and broke her hip. Everybody was running around, trying to help, and only getting in the way. Out of the blue and I suppose trying to ease the situation Mark said, "All right, who told her to break a leg before the show?"

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