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I got back to the hotel at about ten. I didn't see Antonio, which was okay because I was beat. I opened the door and Joe was laying on his bed watching TV. I laid down on my bed and fell asleep immediately fully dressed.
As I predicted, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we put in twelve hours a day getting ready for Thursday. Once I have my routine in place, I really don't have much to do until the actual show, so I work as a stand-in when needed and run lines with the actors between scenes. By the time we open, I usually know all the parts to some extent.
The play we were doing was called "Don't Worry, It's Just My Dad". It was about a widowed man and his sometimes humorous trials and tribulations of raising three teenage daughters. Luke and his wife wrote it and Luke did the directing. His brother, Mark, was playing the father. He played most of the male leads, he was one of the money men after all. He was in his mid 30's, fairly good looking, dark blonde hair, blue eyes, dressed well and drove a Benz. The two brothers inherited a small fortune from their father who was quite a wiz in the stock market. The boys didn't seem to have that knack but we're doing very well in the real estate game. This gave them the time, the money, and the opportunity to pursue their real dream, the theater. Mel, Shari, and Robin were playing the daughters. The other main role was played by Monica Graham, who was the father's love interest. The rest of the troupe were friends and neighbors, some playing two parts.
I got along with everybody, did my job, tried to stay out of the spotlight, showed up on time, and went that extra mile when I had to. I've made a few mistakes, took responsibility, got bitched at sometimes, and took my lumps, deserved or not. In the long run, I think they all liked me and I liked them. We were a good group that got along well without much drama.
Mark didn't come in on Saturday with everyone else. He arrived Sunday morning and since the carpenters left that morning, he took the room they were using down the hall. I think they had it worked out that way.

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