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I laid down on the bed and turned on the news. They said it was going to be a day just like yesterday. That's the last thing I remember until Joe came in around 10:30 and woke me up. He said we were having a meeting in the theater at noon, took a shower, changed his clothes, and left again.
I drug myself out of bed a little after eleven, put on my bra, undies, and pantyhose under baggy jeans and a sweatshirt. Down in the lobby, I had another cup of coffee and skimmed the morning paper. At a quarter to twelve, I stepped onto the sidewalk and headed for the theater.
We spent most of the afternoon setting up dressing rooms, showing everyone how the set changes would work, and started the blocking (blocking is figuring out where you will stand and move in relationship to the other actors during a scene). It turned out to be a shorter day than I expected. Everybody was worn out from the travel and getting settled in, so Luke called it just after six. This meant that the next three days would be demanding if we were to be ready to open Thursday night. I was also dragging but for a different reason, so I was glad he let us go early. Besides, it will give me a chance to catch up with Mel.
I hopped into a cab with Mel, Shari, and Robin and headed uptown where they were staying. It was really a nice townhouse, a block from Central Park. It was obvious that the owners had money, the place reeked with opulence, and each girl had her own room.
The girls made sandwiches and we drank some wine while we caught up. I didn't want to say anything in front of Robin, so I was glad when she retired to her bedroom to study her script.
Mel and Shari knew that something was up because I kept dropping hints all day, but kept them hanging. So when Robin left the room, they both turned to me and Mel said, "Okay, you little shit, what's going on?"
Shari added, "Yeah, you've been acting funny all day."
I proceeded to tell them about shopping in drag and all the details regarding Antonio. They were shocked and amazed that I had been so brazen, but happy and proud that I had taken such big steps. We all knew this coming week was going to be hectic at best and made plans to get together on our off days next week. They also had some plans of their own that they would not elaborate on. I think they were just getting back at me.

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