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I threw my arms around her and said, "You're my best friend, I know you would never do anything to hurt me. I'm just kind of scared about the whole thing and at the same time excited. I hope I can do it. I don't want to let anybody down."
"I believe in you Sunny, you have always been able to do whatever you put your mind to. That's one of the things I like and really envy about you."
"Thanks, Mel. I'll do my best. Have I ever let you down before?" I assured her and myself too.
"Well, there was that one time . . ."
"Hey, you said you'd never talk about that again."
Shari heard that and said, "What, what are you two hiding?"
"It's a joke," Mel explained.
"And with that, I am out of here," I said heading for the exit. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"Get a good nights sleep," Mel said.
"And leave that bellhop alone," Shari added.
"Yeah, yeah, okay," and I was gone.

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