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Trucker tales

I hear the person answer sounds female and I begin to wonder whats going on a little bummed that her and I weren't alone. She closes the door and smiles and grabs my hand and starts for the showers when we get there she starts peeling of her clothes and looks at me and says well I thought you wanted to shower. That was enough of a invite for me and I peeled out of my shorts and t shirt which is all I had on anyway. She walks over and turns on both showers and plants herself under one I admire her for a moment, man she is tight. I walk over and into the other shower the water pressure is unreal a strong pulsing stream and it feels great. I lose myself in it for a few minutes enjoying the water and washing up. I start to come back to reality washing up and look over at her she is washing up real good everywhere.

She then asks if I'll do her back I say as long as no one minds I'd be happy to, I slip over and start washing her back and she says legs too and I wash over her firm ass and down her legs almost kneeling. She turns quick and spreads her legs a little, my nose was just about in her pussy and what a fine looking pussy it was. I lean forward and take a lick at it and she grabs my head and sits her pussy right on my face. She rubs it back and forth a few times then I hear someone say something and I turn to see who it was. There stands what looked to be a thin small girl maybe in her early 20's in just a pair of shorts no top just shorts and she was holding 2 beers. Shirley says thank you Amanda just put them down and finish preparing dinner. Amanda says yes mam and puts the beer down and turns and walks away. Wow did she have an awesome ass. Shirley says me first and if your a good boy maybe I'd get some of that later. She's not getting any arguement from me.

She turns the showers off grabs the beers hands me one and walks away naked. I just follow her no towels need as it was just getting dusk and still very warm with a lite breeze blowing us dry. We walk over to the lounge chairs with a cooler between them and she sits on one and tells me to sit in the other.

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