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T-Girl Rodeo

Heck that's no problem. You just lean over the railing here and I'll just slip in from behind with a little help from some Asstro Glide it shouldn't even hurt! Well not too much anyway, and we'll still be able to see to commentate.

Lorna quit pushin on me and tryin to undo my jeans! Lorna, now cut that out! Owwww, that hurt!

Well it'd hurt a lot less if you'd quit fighting it so much!

Owwww, my arm's not supposed to bend thata way! Damn, but your a strong one! My jeans! My jeans! How the hell did you get my jeans down!

It's all in the wrist Slim! Now, with my skirt up and your jeans down I'd say you are about to get a whole ass full of me!

Shit! That thing's a monster! I can't take it! Pull it out, pull it out!

Oh, would you quit bitchin. I've only got the head of my cock in you. Here let me push about half of it into you.


Don't be so dramatic! I've stretched out much tighter guys than you and they all lived to tell about it! Though there was that one guy that needed stitches. Here, let me push our shirts up and press my firm tits aginst your back. There doesn't that feel better?


Well it does to me. And it must have helped you as well because I now have another couple of inches of myself inside you and you didn't even notice! By the way you really do feel great on my cock! Are you seeing anyone?

Lorna, I'll make you a deal. As long as you don't shove any more of that monster inta me we can stay like this and finish the rodeo, because everyone is lookin at us and I think Angel is gittin tired of waitin on us and wants finish her ride.

Oh. Sorry about that Angel! She is going around to the back of her mount now to get ready to start the ride.

She's pealin off the rest of her clothes and now is wearin nuthin but her boots and hardon. Boy she looks fine standin there so proud and owwww…Lorna I thought we had a deal!

We do unless you start mooning over Angel again. Then you'll get the rest of me hard and fast! It's not nice to make eyes at another girl when you already have one over half buried in your ass!

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