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Permanent Stay in Mastersville Part 4

Next I was placed at Sheriff Masterton's house. Although I did not fall for anyone in that household, I liked it quite a bit. Apart from the sheriff, who always had time for a good hard fucking no matter what he was doing, there was also his wife, Theresa. In spite of what one might think, she didn't seem the least bit jealous of all the attention I was getting. She got more than her fair share of attention and she loved to play with me. Her ideas of what constituted play were quite broad: fisting me, torturing me, making me grovel, dressing me up in ridiculous costumes and making me do all manner of demeaning things. Once she stripped me naked except for my chastity device, my corset and my high heels and made me stand on all fours. Then she tied my legs so that my calves were fused with my thighs and my forearms with my upper arms, making me walk on my knees and elbows. Then she collared me, gagged me, attached a leash to the collar and led me out the door. She made me walk all the way into town on my knees and elbows. Along the way we met one of her friends who was out walking her dog. The dog was a huge Rottweiler and from the second we stopped he had his eyes on me. Soon he was sniffing me and in less than a minute he was trying to mount me.

I squealed with terror and tried to hide behind Mistress Theresa. The two ladies laughed a little, talked a little and then Mistress Theresa ordered me to stand still: "Now you had better be good, you useless little bitch! Brutus hasn't had a fuck in a while so he is needy. And you are after all nothing but a slave." Trembling with fear I stood still as Brutus mounted me from behind. To my surprise Brutus was actually gentle of sorts. He scratched me a little, but his cock was not very big and my ass was used to the attention. It wasn't very long before he shot his load up my ass. Humiliating me intensely, both the ladies laughed as Brutus semen leaked out of my ass. But the humiliation didn't end there. The ladies accompanied each other into town and when they went into a store I was tied outside together with Brutus.

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