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My suit fantasy fulfilled

After an hour, my make-up was done, and I looked pretty sexy, I must say 😋 Everything was perfect. So now, it was time to dress. I started with my lingerie, a sexy black push-up bra, black lace g-string panties, a new garter belt to hold up my fresh black stockings. I then slipped into my red wrap dress, to give me the most feminine silhouette. My hair was brushed and fell like soft silk over my shoulders, and my big hooped earrings dangled as I looked in the mirror. The last thing was to slide my feet into my favourite black stilettos, a five-inch heel lengthening my smooth legs. I took a quick selfie and sent it to him, with the words: "I'm ready for you, baby. Come on over." His response was immediate, telling me he'd be overin 15 minutes. I was so excited.

I opened the red wine I'd bought, poured myself a glass and took a long gulp, calming my nerves a little and steadying my hands so I could paint my nails. I'd only finished the first coat when the door clicked into life and swung open, and in walked my date, casually dressed with a suit bag over his shoulder.

"Hi," I said, looking up from my nails with a smile.

"Wow, hello," he replied. "You look amazing!"

"Thanks," I said as he walked towards me.

Upon reaching me, I could smell his sexy scent, and he leaned forward as I looked up at him from my chair, and we shared a sensual kiss. Our lips met, mine opening slightly to accept his tongue into my mouth. I felt a hand touch my thigh as the slit on my dress opened to reveal a glimpse of my stocking top, and I moaned softly as I reached up to gently touch his face.

"I'm gonna get ready," he whispered as he moved his mouth to my ear, and I softly acknowledged him, and smiled as he made his way to the bathroom.

I needed more wine after that. What a wonderful welcome, and I was insanely horny already as I continued with my nails. It was all I could do not to walk into the bathroom and blow him while he was in the shower!!!

After a while, the bathroom door opened, and out walked a sexy man in the most immaculate suit I'd ever seen. He wore a pink shirt, gorgeous tie and a three-piece pin-striped suit, fitted perfectly with expensive-looking tanned shoes finishing his look.

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