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My favorite fuck part 1

Common conversation that the dominate man leads,
How long you been dressing?..... Since i was 9 years old
Do you like sucking cock? …. yes...
Have you ever been fucked anally? …. yes..

Can I get you another drink? Yes please...i say.

He brings me a glass of wine, and sits next to me on the sofa. I’m not used to sitting this close to anyone, let alone a man, interested in doing things to me sexually. I’m scared and nervous. I gulp down the drink….
He askes…”do you like to get fucked?”.... I like pleasing a man yes.
Do you like the hard cock in you…..?... yes, ...i like when i can make…….oh...oh…

His hand is now on my knee….and he’s talking to me… more like asking me alot of questions.
His questioning ended with his hand riding up my stocking legs, finding my clittly hard against the panties and a little wet from precum.

“Want to go upstairs?” yes please… where is your bathroom.
“Bathroom is upstairs too”
We go upstairs, as he leads me up there ...i’m not used to a man taking my hand, little compared to his, and holding it, and guiding me…

I enter the bathroom and he goes to lay on the bed. I take off my dress, and i’m all in my stockings, black bra, black panties, and stockings...which are also black. In my second hand purse i take out my ky jelly, and apply some to my hole. I push it in with 1 finger, ….OH.. then get some more and put it on 2 fingers and slide it in my ass. Oh. mmm….

I walk out the bathroom to find him laying on the bed, lights are dim. He is naked, and he turns to look at me. Me all girly and naked. I’m so excited, i’m just standing there, hands behind my back, can’t hide my own erection, and feeling pretty exposed.

He gestures me to the bed, where he guides me to his cock and i take it in my mouth and suck. Mmmm. i’m sucking a cock and its been a long time.
Long time fucking a girl, my wife. Long time sucking a cock, just before we left England. Long time feeling this girly. I”m sucking and he is hard, so very hard.

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