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From gamer to b*tch

I turned my focus back to the game, the alcohol was really kicking in cuz I was feeling warm and I couldn't stop thinking about his cock I even found myself sneak glancing at his imprint. As I tried to focus on the game I saw i was winning, I smiled because I knew I had just gotten myself outta a crazy situation, but something was wrong he was coming back how? It was like I was playing an expert. He had an confident grin across his face as if he knew he was gonna win. But how? Had he just been toying with me the whole time was he really an expert after a week of playing. Panicked an trying not to show my despair I focused but it seem there was nothing I could do and I sat there mouth hung open as I realized I lost and would have to take any punishment he had for me. All of a sudden he got up, I expected him to whip out his cock and put it in my face but he just sat down next to me put his arm around me and looked at me and started laughing saying I sucked in this game. I was kinda relieved as I laughed to we were both laughing, I was confused by the way he was laughing then it came to me he was joking, he told me to suck his cock as a joke to get him back for the joke I pulled on him when I arrived. Relieved that this was a joke I asked him so what do you want thats when he stopped laughing looked at me with a smile on his face and said for you to be my bitch. If it was possible my jaw would've hit the floor wait I said I thought this was a joke. No he said you lost, you only had to give me a bj till you doubled the stakes now you'll be my little bitch and do what I want. What I stammered, you heard me you're my bitch so now you'll come over all the time dressed like a little slut so you better get more outfits and and you'll have to please me. For how long? I'll make it fair only one month. As I thought about it he placed a hand on my thigh and said you're to remain smooth like this and wear the makeup also. I knew there was no way out so I reluctantly said ok. When I said ok he got up grabbed the bottle of alcohol and poured us some drinks to toast to our agreement.

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