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Flying High

As they walked down the long walkway they chatted
about anything and everything. The weather, what they
both liked to drink and before long they found themselves
inside the Qantas Club Lounge. They looked around until
they both spotted a booth in the corner where it was
private and quiet. Mike encouraged Janice to claim the
booth while he ordered their drinks.

Janice smiled sweetly up at him as he made his way to
where she was sitting. After some small talk, Mike
mentioned that he was the CEO of a computer business
dealing in hardware… this didn’t mean very much to
Janice but he certainly was cute and he was going out
of his way to impress her and she was lapping it up.
Before they knew it they realised they had been sitting
there for over an hour… after a brief discussion Janice
agreed to go out to dinner with him.

Mike was staying at Darling Harbour, which rather
surprised Janice because she had thought he would
have been going straight home thinking that he lived in
Sydney… this may be have been a problem for some
couples who had just met, but with Mike’s easy going
attitude he made a couple of phone calls making
arrangements to stay at the Travel Lodge where Janice
was booked in for the night.

Within moments they were in a limo heading for the
hotel. All expenses paid for the short drive to the hotel…
They collected their keys before making their way to
their different rooms. The crew had already arrived with
Janice’s roommate leaving her a note letting her know
that they were sitting comfortably in the lounge area.

Janice let her crew know that she would join them a
little later, as she was having dinner with a guy she’d
met on the flight… they didn’t object because they knew
how badly she was looking to find Mr. Right…

Janice and Mike did meet in the lounge but went almost
immediately into the dining room for an early meal.
They chatted right through the meal with Mike
suggesting they have a coffee and nightcap in his
room where it was private and they wouldn’t be
interrupted. When Janice agreed her heart was
pounding knowing that her secret maybe exposed
sooner than she expected…

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