Say, Kristina hides, she twists the body this way and that with only her head above the soapy water. I am at the other end of the bath and I have to guess where her pussy is, with my first touch, I have to put my finger on it. If I win, I am rewarded with a few minutes of caresses. If I lose, I have to do the caressing. I like games where you don't know whether you want to win or lose.
After a long bath, I patted myself dry and Kristina applied the hair remover all over me. After waiting a couple of minutes, I showered again and emerged, baby smooth and tingling. Kristina then gave me the works, one scented oil after another, reaching carefully to apply lotions in hard to reach places.
As Kristina gets the foundation on and begins to apply the mascara and rouge, Jim and Kim, tiring of the foreplay have stripped off, she tight and slim in her black thong and B cup, Jim, classic clean cut features, sandy haired and thin lipped, six pack in full relief as Kim goes down on his All American cock.
I had refused to believe the story the first time I had heard it, such things do not happen in real life. At college in Minnesota, where he made reserve on the football team, he was famous for rejecting offers for lays, the sororities had blackballed him and the rumours circulated that he was queer. Far from it. This is how it had all happened. His father, an executive in a toothpaste firm had spent four years in Vietnam as part of the corporate office there and Jim had returned when he was fourteen, just past puberty.
Some of us get off to blonde, blue eyed snow princesses, some of us don't. We get off to slinky large eyed, jet haired, full lipped Vietnamese hoochgirls who can tell a hundred stories through their eyes, never a word needed. There were no Vietnamese at the small college town that Jim went to and his sexual experience was limited to six magazines of strip club girls and a camcorder video that he had begged a friend on an exchange trip to get him.
The moment he graduated, he took a job in a consultancy firm and in six months had transferred to Hanoi. He sought out the girl of three years ago in the camcorder video, shot in a higher end strip club, Kim, bought her jewellery and her father a car. He wanted to return home, he said. Would she come with him.