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Female Seduces a Shemale

I then remove my shorts. You smile seeing that I am wearing no panties and am completely shaved. I walk over to the bed, unfastening my bra. I climb into bed with you and lay beside you. Kissing you and stroking your beautiful cock. When you are fully erect once again.. I slide down and take you in my mouth. Getting you nice and wet. I then climb on top of you, lowering myself onto you. I feel the head of your cock pushing inside me and I let myself down on you slowly. You feel so good inside me baby. I slide the rest of the way down on your cock, moaning.

I start bouncing on your cock. I look at you and smile, telling you I want you to do me doggy style. I get on my hands and knees and you climb behind me. I feel you rubbing your hard cock up and down my wet slit, but it's not enough for me, I want you inside me so I tell you to hurry. You slide your cock all the way inside me with one thrust. Pushing it deep. I start moaning and screaming your name. Getting close to orgasm. You start pounding your cock into me harder and faster. I tighten my pussy around your cock. Wanting you to cum with me. You yell out and tell me you are cumming so I release my orgasm, cumming on your cock. You slowly withdraw your cock from inside me.

I pull you up to me and kiss you passionately, telling you how beautiful you are and how much I love you. I roll over on my side facing you and holding you tightly. Soon you fall asleep and I kiss you on the cheek, whispering I love you in your ear. I lay and watch you sleep. You are so beautiful. I can't wait until the morning so I can wake up to your beautiful face. I soon fall asleep thinking about you.

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