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Camming down the rabbit hole Ch3

The introduction was long and a bit boring, but as she described the upcoming exercises, she emphasised that following these routines would build excellent core strength, really enhance your womanly curves and increase your all round flexibility. She promised that by the end of the DVD, if you followed all the steps, you would be left with enhanced shape and flexibility to match, dropping into the splits with ease as if to prove the point. And if I was honest, if I looked even half as good as she did, my earnings would go through the roof.

The first session was very basic, mainly warmup and stretches, but it didn’t take long for the roughness of my top to irritate my nipples. I really did need to start taking better care of them, all the nipple play in my shows was making them constantly sore. I reached over to the last of my ex’s bras, it was a very plain white padded item, and would be of no use for the show, but totally fine for this. It slipped on easily and with the t-shirt back on, it even gave the almost realistic impression that I had breasts. However it solved my chafing problem and I could return to the DVD.

45 minutes later and I had worked up quite a sweat, it highlighted how inappropriate my clothing was for this task and as the session finished I resolved that I would probably need to buy something that would be more suitable. Walking to the bathroom and seeing my reflection, I had the appearance of a girl who’d just finished a gym session, a slight shine of sweat on my face, hairless arms and smooth legs. The bra really did accentuate a bust that wasn’t there. And if I pinched the back of the t-shirt together pulling it in at the waist the silhouette was quite pleasing. Peeling off my clothes I jumped in the shower, the feeling of the warm water running over my hairless body was still a novelty, and it made everything tingle a little. Soaping up, I made sure I was cleaned everywhere even lingering on my hole a little, it really was a pleasant sensation and in no time I felt myself become hard. Catching myself, I realised I needed to save it for the show. I still had tonight’s to do before I could open Biggies parcel, what was I going to find in there?

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