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Brenda & Bry

"How does Brian feel about this?" I asked, feeling a new stirring in my loins as I gently turned him around and reached for him. I stroked his nipple with one hand and caressed the boy's beautiful bare round ass cheeks and his wet crack with the other.

"Um, well, would it hurt?" he asked. He was nervous, but I could tell this was something he had been looking forward to. His butt was snuggling up against my probing fingers, trying the work his anus onto my seeking fingers. He was looking intently at my now rigid cock with obvious eagerness. I decided he probably coached Brenda into suggesting this in the first place. I was beginning to realize Brian was being butt fucked by Brenda as much as she was being cunt fucked by Brian. They hadn't said anything about this in our phone calls.

"Did Brenda's thing hurt"? I returned, as my middle finger slid easily into his anal ring. I was guessing she had been using her fingers on him, wondering what else she might be using to fuck him with.

"A little at first, but it felt real good later, with lots of Vaseline. Can you, like, go kinda slow until I get used to it?" he asked, still looking at my stiff cock as he spoke.

"Real slow. Come here."

Brian came over to the bed. I motioned him to lay back on his back and then positioned one of his legs over the back of the my shoulders. I motioned Brenda to get on top of him. At first she protested, saying that I was supposed to do the honors, but I assured her this was all in preparation for my fucking her brother's asshole.

I positioned her face down on top of him with her legs on either side of his hips. He had one leg high up on my shoulder and the other stretched out on the bed. Her cunt was open to the max and all of the cum that I had deposited in there and that her brother had shot into her ass started to ooze out, along with her own girl juices, onto his crotch. I used this to lubricate Brian's tight asshole, pushing the jizz in with one finger, then two, packing and reaming as much as I could, and dipping into her cunt for more.

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