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Becoming A Girl

I had been caught once again but this time she was livid. She stormed in to the room and snatched me up by the hair and bent me over her knee while grabbing a brush off the dresser. She let me have it whack after whack until the fire I felt in my rear had me in tears. I was shocked, hurt, and embarrassed all at the same time as she continued to spank me with the brush until I fell off her lap and landed on the floor.

"It is bad enough you wanting to beat off and all but to also do it in my daughter's things is just wrong" She continued.

Once again I was speechless and just laid there while continued her rant because I didn't know what to say for myself. She went on to chastise me about how pathetic a boy I was and how disappointed she was in me. She stood me up and stripped the hose off of me and told me to go to my room and leave her alone. I quickly ran to my room, glad to do so also. I was glad to get away from her because she was so upset with me and my ass was on fire but also so embarrass at the same time for being caught in my sister's hose and masturbating once again by her.

It was getting late and I thought she had gone to bed and I was in the clear when she opened my door and came in. I quickly sat up and she sat down next to me and told me that things need to change around here and after giving it much thought that she had figured out away of making this work for both of us. She went on to tell me that masturbating is a nasty habit and that she doesn't wish for me to ever do that again. I assured her that I was truly sorry and she could trust me that it would never happen again.

"You just sit there and be quiet and let me explain" she whispered to me.

She went on to tell me that since I seemed to like dressing in my sisters clothes and playing with myself, that she has come up with a plan that should make us both very happy together and solve both of our problems.

My sister's things are still here to remind her of her daughter she had lost and that they should fit me very well. She also informed me that since I seemed to like wearing her things that she and I could become much closer by me wearing her things. I started to protest when she put her finger over my lips to keep me quiet and continued to tell me she didn't want me to talk but listen.

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