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Angel Chapter 8

There would be dinner, followed by dancing, and the best part would be when they would make love in her bed. In the morning, there would be more love-making, followed by a very pleasant brunch in her favorite neighborhood restaurant. Angel actually started to feel her own lustful stirrings at the thought of what his cock would be doing for her in a few more hours.

Part of this may also have been the activities of Mr. Baker who, as the head teller, was Angel's supervisor. He was, basically, a lecher, and he fondled and touched the attractive female employees at every opportunity. His favorite target was Angel, partly because she was the youngest and had the sexiest figure, and partly because she had never expressed any strong objections or done any more than move away after a few seconds of his attentions. Mr. Baker's primary fantasy, ever since Angel started working as a trainee, was to have her under him in bed, screaming in ecstasy from the tremendous sexual pleasure she would be getting from him. He had no idea she was a T-girl. If he had known, Mr. Baker would certainly have felt much differently about such an imaginary encounter.

She had ceased being a trainee after sixty days, and had since become one of the best and most dependable employees at the bank. Even so, Mr. Baker was always hoping to find a reason to come up behind her and point something out, usually something Angel already knew about. On that day, while she was standing in her teller's cage, he came up, pointed randomly at a copy of a receipt in front of her, and asked about it. While his left hand gestured, his right hand was first patting, then gently squeezing his subordinate's bum. Angel blithely answered his questions, ignoring the hand.

She didn't mind his improper attentions as much as she probably should have. For one thing, they didn't hurt her, and he seemed to enjoy them, so no harm was being done. For another, such attentions from a man, even a twit like him, were more affirmations of her femaleness. She didn't actually need them any more, but they were still nice to get. On that day, they also contributed pleasantly to the sexual arousal she was already feeling, since she imagined her boyfriend's hand back there, except that his hand would have been patting and squeezing her bare skin.

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