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Amethyst: a Story of Fulfilment

controlled courses of oestrogen that we had persuaded our mistresses to administer to us; sufficient to soften our masculine body lines, helping to give us more feminine curves at our waists, buttocks and hips and providing us with our pretty little breasts and nipples, but small enough not to result in any diminution of our masculine appendages or result in any reduction in our potency: a potency that was, of course, only exercised at the wish and with the express permission of our respective mistresses.

The chemises we wear have carefully designed cups to provide the necessary support to our budding breasts, as are our more elegant camisoles, in order to obviate the need for brassieres.

Seeing the effect of our feminine transformation, both Opal and Sapphire had prevailed upon their respective mistresses, and were now also undergoing a similar process.

Eventually both Mistress Amber and Miss Topaz climbed out of the pool and stripped off their wet underwear as they made for the communal shower. We followed immediately, of course, gathering up their discarded underwear together with our own -- that we hastily shed on our way -- joining then under the shower, where we ensured that they were properly cleansed, dried and dusted with talc before we completed our own ablutions.

Pausing only to place all the discarded clothes, inclusive of our skirts and blouses, in the washing machine, we followed our mistresses inside the house, up the stairs and into our separate suites.


Not long after my twelfth birthday, left alone in the house ostensibly to finish some outstanding home work -- which I quickly completed, I spent some time exploring and discovered a series of photographs in a draw in my parent's room. They were of a pretty young Thai woman no more than five years older than my seventeen year old twin sisters, to whom she bore a considerable resemblance. The series depicted her in a variety of different costumes: dresses and frocks of various styles including one or two evening dresses; skirts and tops, also of various styles; and, a few shots of a more daring nature of her posed in sensuous lingerie.

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