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A Perfect Match

The funny thing was, I knew that I could trust him.

"My problem is a very deep one. From my earliest days I have always known that I was a girl. Mentally, emotionally, in almost all the ways it counts I am a woman. But I was born in a male body. Does that shock you?"

"No, Carla, it doesn't. I have helped several trans-sexual people resolve their problems over the years. It used to be much harder to fix such problems than it is today."

"What do you mean, fix?"

"Let me ask you a few questions before I start suggesting anything."


"Have you ever seen a doctor or mental health practitioner about this problem?"

"Yes. I spoke with a psychiatrist at great length. Her conclusion was that I am one of those unfortunate people who have been born into the wrong body. One of my concerns is how come God allowed this to happen. I mean, it isn't fair."

"I know just what you mean. I can give you a long drawn out answer or the short answer that I truly believe but both reach the same conclusion.. Which would you like?"

"Let's go with the short answer."

"Good! My belief is that when sin entered into the world that it caused a mental, physical, and moral fall from perfection. I believe that sin changed our DNA such that we were no longer what we were created to be. One of the things that I believe happened was that genetic errors like hemophilia, sickle cell anemia, and such were allowed to occur; not because God didn't care but because He allowed these problems to drive us back into fellowship with Himself. "

"You mean, there is a chance that God purposely allowed this to happen to me?"

"It's possible. I don't believe there are any such things as coincidences. I truly believe in the sovereignty of God."

"If that's so, am I destined to remain unfulfilled and alone all the rest of my life?"

"Sixty years ago the answer to that question would have been yes. Now, however, the answer is no."

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