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A Man's Place

I slept in my underwear; Marion left her hand on my panty-covered penis all night.

“I’m glad to see you made the right decision.” Erica said. “And may I say you look mighty lovely!”

Otherwise the day went normal. Until about four o’clock, when I saw Marion leave Erica’s office.

“What’s going on here?” I asked.

“Oh honey, Miss Sloan here has offered me a job as Marketing assistant. Isn’t that great?” It was good news. We needed all the money we could get.

“Thanks, Erica, that’s good of you.”

“No problem. Oh, and Marion, doesn’t he look great in his new clothes?”

“Well I have to admit he does. I was afraid he’d look stupid but he doesn’t one bit.”

I noticed the boxes and bags in the boot of the car. “Have you been shopping?”

“Miss Sloan took me down to one of the warehouses and gave me some things. I got some more clothes for you as well. And a little treat for tonight!”

“Go on then, put it on.” Marion said.

I didn’t want to wear them, but I didn’t want to upset her. “Okay.” I slid the red stockings on to my newly shaved legs (her idea) and put on the lacy red thong panties. Then she slid the red Basque around me. She put a wig on me, a long straight blond one, and put so much makeup on me, I looked like a whore.

“Good you’re perfect. Wait here now, I’ll be right back.” She grabbed some bags, and went away.

Minutes late she was back in the bedroom. I couldn’t believe what I saw. She wore a black rubber top, high-heeled black leather boots, and a long thick strap-on dildo.

“NO WAY!!!!” I screamed. Slapped my arse.

“SHUT IT!!” She shouted back. I began to struggle. But amazingly she managed to sit on me and force me down onto the bed. She pulled my panties down to my knees, and greased up my arsehole. In one swift movement the dildo was in my arse. I couldn’t believe the pain, as she forced it up me. Soon the pain was all but gone though as I began to enjoy the feeling.

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