Free Stories

Caught Watching Free Mobile Shemales
I was watching Free Mobile Shemales on my phone browser during my lunch break when the phone rang. Annoyed by the fact that someone is interrupting my free time, I answered angrily "Yes, who is it?". "Wrong number", said a female voice, "Sorry to interrupt you lunch!", ... Read full Story
Domination Island Part 2
The warm night air was lightened by a gentle breeze drifting in from the ocean. The sky was clear and a multitude of stars pinpricked the blackness. The town was crowded that evening, bustling with shemales enjoying themselves shopping, dining or relaxing. The noise of music drifting through o... Read full Story
White sissy used by black Masters
I’m booked into a London hotel and, after you text me to say you’ve arrived, I text you back the room number. It seems like ages before I hear a firm knock at the door and I jump up, excited but nervous about what’s about to happen. I walk over and unlock the door, careful not to m... Read full Story
Photo Op
Stanley Lewis pulled his Toyota Corolla into the Arco gas station, parking behind the red Mustang convertible, the driver of which, a leggy blonde in a mini-skirt, was refueling her vehicle. Stanley had been driving all morning, having started in Kingman, Arizona, completing the final leg of his tri... Read full Story
The morning I couldn’t control myself &helli
As I’ve mentioned previously in my little memoire, my Mother was very enlightened about me dressing but we had rules. One small problem is that Mother couldn’t get her very sexy arse out of her bed in the morning, one of the reasons that she worked for herself. So every morning, when I w... Read full Story
My new flat
I had not long turned 18 when i moved into my first council rented flat, before then i had been living at home and dressing up in the confines of my bedroom chatting to guys on web cam , some of them knew i was not a girl, but most of them did not.i am only 5ft 6in tall and weigh just under 10st i g... Read full Story
My Asian Boy dresses for me
I asked my 18 year old Asian Boy James if he would consider dressing up for me? He seemed reluctant at first but the next day he told me he would only wear a little makeup and panties , that was good enough for me cause within 20 minutes I had him bent over and I was licking his tight hole getting i... Read full Story
Poker night
One night,my ex wife decided to play poker for fun,bout 30 min of playing,we made more interesting,that on the next hand,the loser had to do what ever the winner wants.I lost on purpose,so then she said to take a shower,and shave off all bodyhair,legs,chest,arms,underarms,face.then meet back in the ... Read full Story
Polish Maid
'You want to get tips,' I explained to Marek, our Polish cleaner, 'You should be more a maid more like her.' Across the street was a girl of about 19, dressed in a fancy dress French maid's costume stumbling home, presumably from a party the night before. She was dressed in a tiny black dress, l... Read full Story
Tinder oral sex IMPROVED
I updated this to read a lot better. I haven't had any negative votes since I rewrote the short story. Please read and message me something dirty - I am the man in this story, but I wouldn't mind being the "boy-girl"... I matched with a "woman" on tinder, and when I ... Read full Story
Front row footage
As he stood in front of me, one hand stroking a very big cock as I looked quietly, kneeling in front of him. Being a crossdresser had its perks but, I was a straight man, how could I have put myself in this situation!? I love women, but I also liked dressing like them to, and going to a gay bar prob... Read full Story
My struggle
I always used to swear to myself all the time that I was straight as can be. Even when I jacked off to BJ scenes when I watched porn as a kid. And even when I started enjoying shemale videos. But since I admitted to myself that I could be bisexual and that I love dick as much as I love pussy, I'... Read full Story
A Sexual Fantasy
My back is against the wall, one of your hands keeping me there, the other hand fingering my pussy hard and fast. You are kissing me passionately, while I stroke your hard cock with my hand, the other hand resting against the back of your neck. You pick me up and throw me onto the bed, climbing abov... Read full Story
His First Tranny
He quietly said "Is it true you have a dick?" I looked directly at him and told him he should put his hands under my skirt and find out.I got hard right away. I love the way my dick feels rubbing against my panties. He put his palm over my panties and starts stroking my dick. His eye... Read full Story
A good laugh turns into a new experience
I have a friend that works in theater and makeup, one night he got tickets to a "trans" ball and invited me to go with some friends as a joke. So I figure, throw on a skirt, toss some apples in a bra throw on a wig and go party. I show up at my buddy's house around 8. I figure we're gonna ... Read full Story
Caught by the Past
Your latest girlfriend, Karen is very kinky and she introduces you to all manner of strange people. You on the other hand are rather naive and innocent. You found one handsome guy, James strangely attractive. He has long muscular legs, a washboard stomach, dark skin, blond hair and an impeccable spe... Read full Story
My first time with sheilacd
U know exactly how to please a man. u make it hard to say no...(as my cock grows again) even when u come in to kiss a straight guy he cant deny ur feminine essence that is so strong his body betrays him. he surrenders knowing he is in good hands..."soft white hands" he knows his manhood ... Read full Story
My Ultimate Fantasy...
Let me start with the details... I'm straight, 21 years old, and am probably no more than 7 inches long. But if I may say so's a perfect cock, thick and veiny and almost always pulsing. I have always loved my cock, and rather recently I began to realize that I could no longer stop at ... Read full Story
A Savannah night
Crossdressed fully and very seductively in only fishnet thigh highs; hooker heels, g-string, garter belt, and bra, (all black), I had intentionally let the man walking around the motel parking lot see me. He'd stopped in his tracks, mouth open, and stared, as I stepped out onto my motel room balcony... Read full Story
Connie at an Adult Bookstore
Disclaimer: The following story is not intended for minors. If you are offended by sexually explicit material or it is not legal in your place of residence, please close the document now. If not, I hope you enjoy my attempt at entertaining you with stories of my adventures. * Let me start by i... Read full Story
A Different Kind of Woman
As I was leaving work, a car stopped at the corner in the drivers seat was the most sexiest woman that I have ever seen. She had a pair of breast that was to die for, and legs that seemed to stretch for ever, and a smile that would bend steel. She saw me looking at her, probably with my mouth hangin... Read full Story
Barbara & Vikky Part 1
I'd known Barbara for some time now. She was a mutual friend of a friend, Trina, and we often bumped into each other in the street, or at the store. I liked her and appreciated her company and humour. She was 57, somewhat older than me, being in my mid-30's. We spent many evenings chatting and laugh... Read full Story
Hell of a night
I was about 18 at the time, and I did my usual Friday routine. Shower prettying up, then bored. I decided to go to my neighbors house, he was hanging out in his garage. In the recent months I would go over and hang out, he didn't care I was underage and would let me drink. So I got ready after doing... Read full Story
More Than a Lady
Doctor Carter surveyed the gathering of ladies before him. Something wasn't quite right, but he just couldn't put his finger on what it was. He had been invited to speak on Female Reproductive Health but the women before him were neither the charity-driven older matrons nor eager young housewives th... Read full Story
Guard Duty
Susan Denton was apprehensive as she approached the airport security station. She didn't like having to set her purse on the black conveyor belt that transported it - and the personal effects it contained - through the X-ray machine that rendered ghost images of her personal effects. On one occasion... Read full Story
Training Sissygirl Part 3
Sissygirl stood, shaking a little as the tall and well-built males crowded about her soft and vulnerable body, the scent of their glistening cocks making the poor t-girl delirious; she knew she had no choice but to strip. The men stroked their cocks as the pretty sissy meekly began to remove her clo... Read full Story
Caught by the Lodger Chapter 2
Over the next few months Rachel continued my training. She was determined to transform me, in her own words, into 'the perfect sissy slut girlfriend', and I was only too happy to go along with it. There are a strict set of rules that I have to follow. I am allowed to wear my male clothes when I'm... Read full Story
Crazy dreams
I met Dave about 2 years ago at a swingers party. I had just turned 18 and he was 43. I remember thinking that it was hot that he was exactly 25 years older than me. I was dressed in drag and he was into t-gurls and he was married and hung like a horse and I happened to be into partying naked with b... Read full Story
FoxxiRoxxi xdresser slut fucked by BBC
Well this has been a fantasy I have had for a long long time .I'm a married man with a family and love fucking my wife she has a shaved pussy and a few sex toys so our sex life is good. However I have been xdressing on and off for about 12 years now and I really love it . I really love the feeling I... Read full Story
I closed my eyes. I knew what I wanted to say, but was unsure I could get the words out. The silence on the other end of the phone began to become chilling. Finally, incredibly patronizing, "You wanted to make another tape of me dominating the hell out of you, didn't you Steven!" "... Read full Story
My Erotic Crucifixion
The Executioner thought, this will be a tough one, two people, one cross! I digress, it all started, me a nice pretty young thing, going about my business, day to day, then I met HIM! Me, blonde, blue slim, him tight and fit, Me, 42B-35-40....I looked at him while I was standing in line for co... Read full Story
My black lover
After one year as a sissy whore and secret wife to my turkish Pascha, I felt the desire to look for a black man. I looked for ads online and put ads online myself. One day I saw an ad from a young black man looking for a crossdresser and wrote him an email. I actually thought I would never hear from... Read full Story
The traffic police fuck me there...el agente de tránsito me coji
I got there. It was a dark and lonely street. The traffic police arrived, parked his patrol car behind me and made me sign that i must go with him. He opened the back door and told me to go up but kneeling, legs spread. So I did. He lowered my panties and pulled his cock big and hard. He put his fi... Read full Story
my anticipated first time, cont
This was an event that i had hoped for for quite some time, i was going to enjoy this, and i knew as aroused as i was i wouldn't last 5 minutes. When iad spoken to her earlier i had asked her to bring or wear sexy heels, i saw in some of her shoots those pretty toes looked so sexy peeking thtrough a... Read full Story
My black lover
After one year as a sissy whore and secret wife to my turkish Pascha, I felt the desire to look for a black man. I looked for ads online and put ads online myself. One day I saw an ad from a young black man looking for a crossdresser and wrote him an email. I actually thought I would never hear from... Read full Story
Fuck Talk with Melanie Jackson (A talk show transcripy)
THIS IS AN ORIGINAL TRANSCRIPT OF THE PROGRAM “FUCK TALK W/ MELANIE JACKSON” DATED MARCH 10TH 20__ MUSIC CUES ANNOUNCER: Hey everybody! Welcome to “Fuck Talk” with Melanie Jackson”! The show that talks about, you guessed it! FUCKING! Any kind of fucking! Straight fucking! Gay fucking! Any kin... Read full Story
Confused curiouse.35 black lad.what am i if i desperatly wont to fuck a ts .i dont believe ime gay or am i.from my little finger aged now self lubing swuirting own cum load in arse.but i need the real fing.scsred of how i fee l afrer.stolen my frends  mum sis filthy stained used own ... Read full Story
Oh some days I just can't control myself. I love it when random unknown men use me. I can't help myself. I know this sex store in the trashiest part of the great Vancouver area. Its dirty, there is a homeless shelter next door, there are prostitutes all over. The store smells of sex. There is a thea... Read full Story
It was my best friend who dragged to this little club downtown promising something I had never seen before. It turned out to be a little strip club. We found a seat right in front of the stage and we watched strippers of various shapes, sizes, and ages perform with a bored mechincalness. "And ... Read full Story
the lollipop intro
I'd just put on a pair of really short cut offs and a cut up t-shirt that was midriff and loose on the shoulders. I was shaved smooth all over and my long hair fell over my shoulders, making me look quite femmy. I drove down the interstate sucking on a lollipop feeling sexy all over. After a bit, I ... Read full Story
Got more than he bargained for
This story was written for Trans Ladyboy by Brandi, a hot dominatrix and a phone sex operator. She says guys often call her to share their tranny fantasies with her, one of which would be getting dominated by a tranny, and, you know, she's really good at that! Call her for this phone fantasy (1.99 a... Read full Story
Shemales Video For My Sexy Pleasure
The flight from LA took all of my strength - a few hours of sitting was not really my thing. Plus, this was a business trip to Boston, endless series of boring meetings where I discussed number and figures, and by the end of the day my head was buzzing; I desperately needed to relax. My laptop was o... Read full Story
Tgirl Van Sex
Pulling up to the curb near the bookstore one recent night, I happened to notice a nice looking custom van drive by very slowly. Looking intently at the driver as it passed by, I noticed that the driver was a very sexy looking woman, and she gazed at me intently as she passed by. The van pulled up t... Read full Story
The New Hire Part 2
Immediately, he retreated, not to spare her any distress, but in preparation for the next assault, and he launched himself down, deep into her depths, plumbing her bowels with his rock-hard cock. His balls slapped the lower curves of her skewered bottom, and he pressed them more firmly still into he... Read full Story
The tranny from work
I've always had a thing about trannies. Just something. Never sure what or why. I loved looking at them. Seeing their huge tits. Their nice asses. Then seeing a dick between their legs. Now I'm not gay but, was always interseted. I would look up escorts here in town just to see how far I would go. F... Read full Story
I went back for a male massage...
After my last visit, as I said my head was spinning...I'm not gay, but I loved being used that day...have a cock in my mouth and in my ass??...but, I loved here I was again...when I went in, I didn't see the same was asain women this time...???...ok, this can still be fun but...A ... Read full Story
A Sissy's Long Night
We were to meet at a hotel, the seedy kind where nobody respectable would go. I was to meet him in his room, just down the hall from mine. I was very nervous. This was my first time meeting someone like this. Usually, I knew the person before hand, and always met at private parties where other peopl... Read full Story
The Night Before
Dannielle felt Mark's hand rubbing gently up and down her side, caressing her soft skin and tracing the thin, silky material of the tiny, black thong she was wearing. Danielle loved the tight feel of female thongs - the sexy way they rode up and tightly dug into her ass crack. Mark began ... Read full Story
Didn't Know
My name is Mark Denny, turned 22 years old last friday. I work at the local supermarket as a cashier. Friday nights there is always this girl, Sandy who is my bagger. She is 5'7'' long blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, full lips, from what I can tell a nice ass. Of course I was attracted to her, who... Read full Story
Bi Pantyhose Passion
I've had a Pantyhose Fetish for over 30 years now, and love wearing them on a daily basis. But back in the summer of 1995, I suffered a heat stroke, and almost died, when I recovered, I vowed I would stop fantasizing, and live out these dreams and fantasies. I had been masturbating while dress... Read full Story
My First Gangbang
For as long as I can remember, I have always enjoyed wearing women's clothing. When I was in fifth grade, I started wearing pantyhose under my pants during the winter. By the time I was going into the seventh grade, I had learned that, not only did I enjoy wearing pantyhose, I also liked playing wit... Read full Story
Waking up beside my new Daddy
I wake up some hours later, he is still deep asleep. He's lying on his back, me cuddling close into him: he feels so warm and safe, that i am actually very relaxed. And thinking about my position...I am ok, more than that even: today i'm gonna get shaved i think, and that really turns me on. But on ... Read full Story
My first time dressed
I've been working on feminizing myself for almost a's a difficult path to walk, since in normal life I'm very muscular and masculine, physically. That, plus I enjoy lifting weights, makes having a slim, female form a challenge. I've found some fitting dresses that a... Read full Story
Silvana 2 encounter
Silvana 2 encounter After that first meeting I felt triggered by many things, it had been my first experience with a TV, Sucking a member was an experience and I will confess that I succeed. I spent another afternoon where she stopped and invited her to my house when she stopped working, type 22... Read full Story
My first time
I was nervous, and had never even gotten laid before. I had jacked off a lot, but I thought about real women when I shot my load. But Dani sure looked and seemed like a real woman, and she had brought me back to her place. When she started kissing me, I didn't even have to think about it - I slipped... Read full Story
First Time with she-male
For as long as I can remember, I've preferred my chicks with dicks. There's something about a sexy babe with perfect makeup and hair and a cock that just turns me on. Maybe that makes me a pervert - I don't care! I remember I was just out of high school, 18, the first time I made it with a tranny. S... Read full Story