Free Stories

My three times with shemales
Hello, I first became attracted to Shemales while watching a girl on girl porn movie. A surprise was there was a sexy girl that dropped her panties and out came a huge cock. I was stunned but really arroused. I then became curious and surfed the net for Shemales. I kept thinking something was wro... Read full Story
She Male Webcam Encounter Made My Night
This story was one for the record books. I was out on the town having a wonderful time. It seemed like every club I went to, there was some hot guy interested in me. I loved feeling the sensation of their cocks growing against my ass. I faced a major problem because I did not tell them that I am ... Read full Story
My Shemale Webcam Tubes Next Door Neighbor Rendezvous
Whenever I would feel down or lonely, I would go online, look for shemale webcam tubes and enjoy myself. I would always find someone interesting there that would satisfy my senses. That night something amazing happened. I came back home, all fired up, wanting to please myself, I went online and t... Read full Story
My Doctor Helped Me Reenact A Shemale Tube Video
As I sat down in the office, I just couldn't get the naughty feeling out of my head. Ever since I woke up this morning, I had sex on the brain. Today was the time for my breast exam and I knew I was in for a treat. My doctor, who knows that I am a shemale, is such a hot fox and I know he notices the... Read full Story
OK, here's how my recent visit with Courtney went. I wanted to see her around 3:00, so I called to ask if her afternoon was open. She said I could come over, and asked me if I was only interested in oral. I was a little surprised she asked that over the phone, but I said "No, I want anal too... Read full Story
At Risk
Diane was proud to be a shemale. She loved having a beautiful face; long, silken hair; fabulous breasts; a firm, flat tummy; functioning male genitals; long, shapely legs; and firm, compact buttocks. She loved wearing makeup and dressing in fancy, frilly clothes. She also loved the way men ogled her... Read full Story
Prom Night
"You look lovely," Drake told his date as they walked hand in hand to his Mustang, parked at the curb in front of her house. Sharon was wearing a frilly lavender prom dress made of silk and satin, lavender heels, and a string of pearls she'd borrowed from her mother. The dress was tight... Read full Story
The best sister ever
From birth I have always had a thing for my youngest sister.She pranced around the house like an angel and the day everything changed is when I was 10 and she was 11 and we were both home alone. She was "old enough" to look after me according to my mother and my parents left for thier meal... Read full Story
First time
I was the only boy in my family. Tall, slender, and somewhat effeminate. Many said I looked like my mother, who I adored. As a youngster, I longed to dress like my sisters, who wore such pretty things. One day, when I was alone, I snuck into my sister's room and admired all of her pretty things. On ... Read full Story
Bobby's Weekend
Bobby ran up the stairs as fast as he could. It was four o'clock and his stepfather would be home in two hours. He had three bags in his hand from his shopping trip that he threw on the bed as soon as he got into his bedroom. Quickly, he turned back up the hall and towards the bathroom to get in the... Read full Story
Denial: First Comes Addiction
Mark ran a website design business from home. His wife Janine was a fairly successful horticulturist specializing in several exotic flower species and selling them to high class florist shops and also did consulting for a successful interior decorating firm. Mark was nothing special to look at, t... Read full Story
FMDM Inc - The Interview
I had just finished a therapy session and was glad to get back to my office and relax. I'd have to lay off the cinnamon stix in the morning, my bustier was tighter than usual. My mini-frig offered a variety of drinks and I grabbed the pitcher of iced tea and poured a glass. Settling into the rich... Read full Story
cindy and r.sissy
I meet cindy online we organized to meet at a motel l got there first l got ready l put on my black latex half cat suit my black with red trim latex blouse l put on my red platform thigh boots l was starting to get a hard cock but lhad makeup to put on did that and a great long shoulder length blond... Read full Story
Oh Samantha
Meeting Samantha for the very first time at the busy theatre restaurant was the best thing that could ever happen to me. She was performing with about 20 other ladies or sort of ladies, I found out later that they were hot shemales, transsexuals and even a few transvestites. Their performanc... Read full Story
The Doctor’s Appointment (a very short BBC sissy hypno story)
Nurse Pip loved nothing more than being stretched wide by her black master. Her silly little white boi brain, so full of pink cotton candy, didn’t need to think as she rode the black god on the consulting room bed. She was dreaming of all the superior black cum she would soon be enjoying, when... Read full Story
the lollipop intro
I'd just put on a pair of really short cut offs and a cut up t-shirt that was midriff and loose on the shoulders. I was shaved smooth all over and my long hair fell over my shoulders, making me look quite femmy. I drove down the interstate sucking on a lollipop feeling sexy all over. After a bit, I ... Read full Story
A discovery
The booze and caffiene had turned from a warm buzz into a slightly annoying headache in Miles' psyche. He watched as his live-in girlfriend Mary danced and ground against a tall blonde that could have been her younger sister. Club Inferno was at the point of orgasmic rush when the standing room o... Read full Story
First time tale
I am confused sexually. I'm straight but curious I know I want to be with a real woman I always go out with a real girl and sometimes I get a date but most of the time I get played out. For about a year I have had this fetish for transsexuals I don't know why but I started looking at pics online ... Read full Story
Shemale Love Story - part 2
He slid his tongue all around the head, the peeled her foreskin back, and started to suck just the sensitive head. She was in heaven! No one had spent this much time worshiping her cock before! She moved her hand down to jerk off, but he pushed it away. She realized that he had not removed his cloth... Read full Story
Not A Boring Shemale Story
I really thought that Rebecca was a girl. And she really thought that I was aware that she wasn’t just a girl. We met one night out and exchanged phone numbers. She was hot and I thought that it would be great to hook up so I called her up. She arrived wearing very high heels and almost a s... Read full Story
My First and Last Girlfriend
Zeta was my first girlfriend. Together we discovered how to make love and how to enjoy good sex! She was quite shy, and it took me 6 months before I managed to push my dick up her little virgin slit, and make her a woman. She was 16 at that time and I was 19. After her defloration, she became ... Read full Story
My First Time Out: The Preparation
Shane, a 24 year old blue-eyed, blonde-haired salesman boarded the airplane enroute to beautiful downtown Salt Lake City, Utah. He had made the trip many times. He always conducted his business in a timely fashion so he could get back to his office making sure not to miss any other business opportun... Read full Story
My First Time Out Part 2
It was Saturday morning at eight o’clock when Shayna was rudely awakened by the telephone in the room. “Hello,” she said in a raspy voice. “Good morning, this is the Bell Desk downstairs,” stated the Bell Captain. “Yes, responded Shayna?” “... Read full Story
Alexis Season Part 2
But it wasn't her dick that was bothering her, really; it was the loneliness. Alexis and John had been going out for two months now, but they'd only gotten to first base and lingered there. No matter how many time he told her that he didn't mind that she had a penis, he simply refused to go any furt... Read full Story
My ideal first time
We talk online for long enough to build trust. He is aggressively letting me know how much he wants to fuck me. His size is bigger than 6. He is physically larger than me and slightly older. After cumming to and on my pics several times over the course of weeks or months, we finally decide to meet. ... Read full Story
A Discovery
But you see, even in his druken stupor, Miles was leaning against the south wall of the dance floor hoping.dreaming that Mary would coax the woman she danced with to come back to their apartment for a while. Club Inferno was the premiere goth/fetish club in Hollywood, and it was not uncommon for adv... Read full Story
Cross dressed slavery
Oh just try it on, don’t act so…stereotypical.” I started to protest again, I mean I was not trying to be a jerk, but I did not feel like serving as Leena’s dress dummy all afternoon. I felt uncomfortable enough around her and her clothes. The way she dressed made me craz... Read full Story
Becoming Slave Girl Rita
The story describes how my life changed and I was transformed from a regular guy into a slave girl. It all started when my wife Janet and I decided to go to an erotic mask ball. We were both really excited about it even if we were not sure if we really wanted to fully participate in any swinging ... Read full Story
Not really a story, more about what I want. I am a Bi curious guy. I love pussy, but I really like cock. What I am looking for is a smooth feminine guy or tranny that would let me use him/her for an experiment... an experiment to see how far I'll go. First, I would like to meet in a neutral pl... Read full Story
my anticipated first time, cont
This was an event that i had hoped for for quite some time, i was going to enjoy this, and i knew as aroused as i was i wouldn't last 5 minutes. When iad spoken to her earlier i had asked her to bring or wear sexy heels, i saw in some of her shoots those pretty toes looked so sexy peeking thtrough a... Read full Story
What Life Throws at You
Kind of funny what life throws your way. Some times fate can be a fickle bitch. My name is Rick Tyler and I'm a cop. Well, detective actually. At least I was until 30 seconds ago. I dropped my badge and gun on the desk of the idiot that pretended to be my boss. Baker looked at me with distain. We ha... Read full Story
Ginger loses her virginity
My friend's father, Mr Webster, had turned out to be anything but the pillar of the community he pretended to be. Despite his regular Sunday church attendance with Mrs Webster, it transpired he also enjoyed the company of other men. He was certainly enjoying me, and within a few weeks I had fal... Read full Story
Silvana 2 encounter
Silvana 2 encounter After that first meeting I felt triggered by many things, it had been my first experience with a TV, Sucking a member was an experience and I will confess that I succeed. I spent another afternoon where she stopped and invited her to my house when she stopped working, type 22... Read full Story
Nur eine Fantasie Da ist dieses schöne Mädchen mit der verräterischen Beule in der Hose. Wir sitzen neben einander und unsere Hände gleiten über den Körper des anderen. Unsere Lippen küssen sich und die Zungen spielen mit einander. Sanft zwirble ich ihre kleinen Brustwarzen und ziehe sanft an ihnen... Read full Story
Becoming the girl i really am....
I guess I'll start from the beginning, I was in my early teens and my parents had friends in town who we did everything with, travelling, camping, holidays, the works. They had a daughter who was a couple years older, and a son who was my age who was pretty much my best friend. We started masturb... Read full Story
Tranny Stories Made Me Do It
I’ve never had trouble finding a girlfriend. I’m a reasonably handsome guy and chicks love me. I’m into porn no more than any other guy, and I started reading tranny stories out of boredom. In time, my curiosity took over. I imagined that guys wanted to fuck shemales because tha... Read full Story
The Shemale Mistress
For some time I had been having these thoughts about what it would be like to experience the acts of sucking a cock and being penetrated by one. The problem was that despite my obvious bisexual infatuation with the idea, I just couldn't see myself engaging in any sexual activities with some muscular... Read full Story
Freshman Surprise
Hey guys, you wouldn't believe what happened to me last weeks I went from being a virgin 19 year old to having the hottest girl on campus as my lover! I won't tell you her or my name of course, this is the internet It started out last week, the start of my first semester at a community college... Read full Story
My First Tranny
I met Charkara (her real name) through an adult dating site. You can find her pictures on my xhamster page titled, "My First Tranny". We corresponded through the dating site quite regularly before we decided to take it to next level and exchange phone numbers and email addresses. We ... Read full Story
Toying fun
Wow, Its been almost a year since I last visited this site. Since then I have some stories to tell you all. About 7 months ago, I met a guy for some toy exchange sex. He wanted to try out a bunch of toys on me, the biggest he had was a BAM dildo, what a monster, it took ALOT of lube & patien... Read full Story
Hell of a night
I was about 18 at the time, and I did my usual Friday routine. Shower prettying up, then bored. I decided to go to my neighbors house, he was hanging out in his garage. In the recent months I would go over and hang out, he didn't care I was underage and would let me drink. So I got ready after doing... Read full Story
Playing it straight
I had exchanged emails and photos with Jennifer. She quickly answered the door and I noticed her plus size shape peeking through a sexy black teddy as she guided me in the room. As I stepped in the suite I saw the focus of my attention, Alexia. She was sitting on the hotel couch I was floored by her... Read full Story
Jennifer & Alexia
I had exchanged emails and photos with Jennifer. She quickly answered the door and I noticed her plus size shape peeking through a sexy black teddy as she guided me in the room. As I stepped in the suite I saw the focus of my attention, Alexia. She was sitting on the hotel couch I was floored by her... Read full Story
College cumming out party!
Aaaaaahhhhhh...where to begin? I guess it all really started in my teens, when I discovered the joy of dressing with one of my close friends. Like many others we started off slow, wearing panties and giving one another hand jobs and feeling at least a little bit like we were doing something we shoul... Read full Story
A Night At the Party Part 1
In case you haven't read about me before my name's Marlene and I'm a 28 year old transvestite. I live in Southern California (actually San Diego). I'm 5'9" tall, weigh about 135-140 and was lucky enough to be born with a thin build, narrow hips and shoulders, long legs and a tight ass that I ke... Read full Story
I first met him online at one of those dating sites,we chatted a few times exchanged photos talked dirty, never figured on actually meeting since he lived all the way across the country,He was gorgious,and married.Then as fate would have it, i found myself in his city since i traveled around doing s... Read full Story
Dirty Angel
"Are you really gonna go through with this?" I asked skeptically. "Yes, I am," said Scott, in his end-of-discussion voice. "And what if you're recognized by someone you know?" I said. "Then I'll simply tell them that I'm doing this to get into the fraterni... Read full Story
Ladyboy dominatrix
If you read my other stories you know I'm intersexed and I was a ladyboy prostitute when I was um, very young. I don't condone such activities. They were sick perverts who used me. True I got a lot of money and expensive gifts but that doesn't make it right. They should all be castrated. Th... Read full Story
The traffic police fuck me there...el agente de tránsito me coji
I got there. It was a dark and lonely street. The traffic police arrived, parked his patrol car behind me and made me sign that i must go with him. He opened the back door and told me to go up but kneeling, legs spread. So I did. He lowered my panties and pulled his cock big and hard. He put his fi... Read full Story
When the Balls Drop; A New Years Tale Chapter 11
Chapter Eleven- The Ass Slut… Candie shoved her glistening finger deep inside Veronica's hot ass… "Mmm…oh…you are a horny little cunt aren't you…Veronica replied in response…oh, that feels so good…" Candie worked her finger in and ... Read full Story
Dan felt his insides repeatedly fill up and then release with the colonic irrigation solution. His erection pointed straight up and swayed. "Please?" he asked. The colonic therapist, Pamela, smiled sweetly and shook her head. She willingly discussed sexual topics with Dan, a regular ... Read full Story
I was just out to show off, and have a good time wearing a short skirt and high heels at the local TV club. Tonight, though, I went a little farther than usual. I had bought some new things, and I was dying to show them off. I wore my latex rubber corset: pitch black, very tight, and very heav... Read full Story
First time with a cute ladyboy
It had been a long week at work. So I decided to go to the Sound Factory for a drink and maybe get lucky with the ladies. As soon as I got to the bar, I spotted a beautiful asian lady wearing leggings with pantyhose and a sexy little top. She offered to buy me a drink, who am I to refuse. So we had... Read full Story
I couldn't say no
I had been taking care of myself for two long years and the urge for a guy to handle it instead grew stronger by the day and getting closer to the hour instead. I was 14 and I hadn't gotten the chance yet to feel what it was like to be with a guy, to feel his lips kissing mine and his hands tou... Read full Story
Making of a new Sissy
I became a Sissy at the hands of a friend of my parents. When they worked long hours they would normally ask a friend to check in on me to see if I was OK, despite the fact I was at this point 18. One time it was Tom who came over. He was mid 40's, an old friend of my dad's. A guy who ... Read full Story
My struggle
I always used to swear to myself all the time that I was straight as can be. Even when I jacked off to BJ scenes when I watched porn as a kid. And even when I started enjoying shemale videos. But since I admitted to myself that I could be bisexual and that I love dick as much as I love pussy, I'... Read full Story