Free Stories

I slipped into my gf suspenders skirt and heels. I opened the door and led this man in his mid 40s to my room. Ive never done anything with a guy before, but as I was walking shaking m girly ass I couldnt help but feel that this is right. Once in my room I dropped to me knees and started to stroke. ... Read full Story
My transformation
is fiction It is strange where one’s desires can lead one. Take me as an example. Always entirely enamored of, infatuated with and completely submissive to all things feminine, a true devotee of Female Supremacy, my lifelong fantasy has always, since before I can remember, been to find a ... Read full Story
Transvestite in trouble Part 3
I felt his stiff cock at my asshole. I shuffled my legs a little further apart, partly to prevent him ramming it into me and it hurting, and partly bacause I just wanted him to fuck me! "you fuckin dirty slut" he whispered...he'd noticed my little subtle movement " you want my cock... Read full Story
Sarah, My First
This is my first submission I thought I'd kick of with one that I would love to happen to me, if you don't like transsexual/gay stories this probably isn't one for you, if it is enjoy and I hope you enjoy. I've always wanted to enjoy another cock in my bed but never had the guts to do it I suppos... Read full Story
Ghosts Chapter 2
"Good morning my dear jamie. Have a good nights rest?" my captor speaks, invisible as ghosts are. I am as I was when he left me. I have invisible ghost restraints on my wrists and ankles. I'm lying on my back, spread so my arms and legs form an X shape. The cum that my ghost captor m... Read full Story
A Change Of Luck
I met Mary when I was still going to high school and I immediately fell in love with her. But, since I was very shy I could only worship her from a distance. I just loved her perfect breasts that weren’t too big but just about the right size, her curly brown hair that always smelled so sexy an... Read full Story
Becoming a Bitch
It was supposed to be simple. A blind date, set up online. A hot chick. Me getting laid for the first time in a while. You know. Simple. And that's what actually happened. Sort of. I get to the bar, I see Meghan across the way, sitting pretty in a short black dress, legs crossed, sipping on a mar... Read full Story
Casey's Insatiable Desires
I came into school wearing a pair of my sister's panties in the morning under my school uniform purely because it felt great. Plus I knew I was getting away with something, wearing soft female underwear when all the rest of the boys at school had no idea. I slipped on the white lacy tangas as soon a... Read full Story
Cross-dresser Drinks Cum
Nikki looked up at me with her big, brown eyes as her head bobbed on my cock. Nothing was quite so sweet as one of her blow jobs. She had this way of dragging her tongue along the underside of my cock that made me want to cum in seconds. I always tried to hold it, but Nikki wouldn't let me. When she... Read full Story
A Night Out Chapter 2
As excited as I was to see Neerja again it took me a few days to get up the nerve to call her. When I finally got the courage and dialed her number I was put to ease by her sweet voice. She was so easy to talk to and any nervousness I had went away. We talked about how our week was going and other s... Read full Story
Better Than Video!
I held my cell in my hand just staring at the screen of my Mac. I had been searching for the past thirty minutes, reading the advertisements and trying to work up my nerve to call. Of course, I had been working on my nerve for the past month! I had decided she was the one I would call and now I only... Read full Story
A Thrilling Adventure
This is a story about one of my friends. She's xtremebly attractive and is a 24/7 girl that I've known for two years. Every now and then we get together and fuck like minks but that's another story altogether. This is a story she told me about one of her many exploits. My name is Anastasia---I'm ... Read full Story
Sunrise Motel
There's a Motel we know of, my group of friends, kind of secluded, off the main roads; very quiet and somewhere a guy or a girl could appear and disappear with the least of fuss. That's why we chose it. Here's how it works. Our group is an Internet-made friendship, like minded souls who chat abou... Read full Story
All Right I'll Do It Chapter 2
The door closed and I stood there in shock. John's cum was drying and pulling my skin as if he was pinching my cheek. I rushed to the bathroom. I had barely gotten the shower running when I had to kneel in front of the toilet and vomit. My mind swirled as both the humiliation and probably Robert's s... Read full Story
First Time Fantasy
I'd never had a real experience before. Years of wearing panties and fantasizing, but nothing legitimate. I imagine it's the same story as many other panty lovers: started when I was about 13 by stealing some of my mom's things. Bras at first, then panties. Soon I began looking forward to being home... Read full Story
Fitting Room
Several years ago when I was just starting collage I had just gotten my grant money and like a good responsible young man I decided to spend it on some new clothes to try to be more attractive to women. I went to a clothing store that had both men's and women's clothing. While browsing around the me... Read full Story
An Unexpected Birthday Gift
It was my best friends birthday and I was taking him out for a night on the town. We have been best friends since we were kids and I was going to give him a special present. We started the night out with dinner at a nice sit down restaurant where we had a few beers and some really good steaks. This ... Read full Story
Dress Up For The Girls Next Door Part 2
“Hot enough for you?” I looked up from the garage to see Lisa hanging her head out the window. She had a sexy turquoise halter on. Her tits bounced back and forth as she spoke. “Now it’s real hot with you hanging out the window.” No bra, Lisa never wore a bra when it... Read full Story
Kits Adventures in the North
**Crossdress Story** It had been about six months since I'd had any chance to dress, any chance to feel sexy and been even longer since I had any kind of sexual contact. Work tends to do that; gets in the way and screws about with "me" time. Luckily, though, it was only a temporary job... Read full Story
Head Cheerleader Mikki Part 4 Mikki wants a Boyfriend
This is part 4 of Mikki's story. Please read the previous chapters. After Monday night at Tommy's house I came to the conclusion that I want to be with Donna when I'm Mick and guy when I'm Mikki . It's Friday night and Donna is coming over . My dad is coming home on Sunday so my mother wants to s... Read full Story
An Empty Hole
"its not working out im breaking up w/ u" The last text he got from his girlfriend that Friday was heavy. It sank, like the hull of a battered battleship, drifting towards the bottomless, cold abyss of his heart. The teen took it hard, harder than most. His emotions flared, rapidly resp... Read full Story