Free Stories

Four years ago as a 14 year old the girl trapped inside my body was screaming to be released from her prison. I had showed up at school on the first day of my freshman year wearing a dress from my sister's closet. I've never worn boys clothing since. Carrie became my new persona replacing Todd. P... Read full Story
Alexis Season Part 7
"Ohmygod Ineverdid!" Alexis nearly shrieked, and when Mrs. Baker looked up again, Alexis grew red. She was so excited to tell Nancy exactly what had happened the week before, about how great it was that John had gone down on her, that she simply couldn't tell her now for fear that everyone... Read full Story
Trans State Private School
Tommy heard a rumor that the Trans State cheer leading squad (even though it had the prettiest, sexiest girls in the state), all had cocks hidden in their cheerleader panties. His school was playing Trans State that day, and Tommy had to find out if it was true. The squad was on the fie... Read full Story
Peepshow Pimps
I like to go to adult bookstores. No matter how many times a guy has sex and regardless of how many partners he has, he can't possibly compete with the men in the magazines, on the videotapes, and in the old filmstrips. These tan gods, with their deep chests, broad shoulders, and rippling muscles, f... Read full Story
College cumming out party!
Aaaaaahhhhhh...where to begin? I guess it all really started in my teens, when I discovered the joy of dressing with one of my close friends. Like many others we started off slow, wearing panties and giving one another hand jobs and feeling at least a little bit like we were doing something we shoul... Read full Story
Dr. Visit.
I turned 50 and the Dr. called and said I needed to make an appointment for my birthday physical. Well my birthday fell on a Friday and my appointment was the doctors last one of the day. I was sitting in the waiting room and saw all the employees left the office. I asked the last one exiting if I ... Read full Story
Black Transsexual Power Games
I give dick and my Black male bitches have to take it. No such thing as trying. You either take my dick up your ass or you don't. I smiled to myself as I thrust my ten inches of hard Black dick into the tight asshole of Richard Lucien. The big and tall young Haitian groaned as I fucked him. Well, th... Read full Story
What Life Throws at You
Kind of funny what life throws your way. Some times fate can be a fickle bitch. My name is Rick Tyler and I'm a cop. Well, detective actually. At least I was until 30 seconds ago. I dropped my badge and gun on the desk of the idiot that pretended to be my boss. Baker looked at me with distain. We ha... Read full Story
The club owner shoves you into the room and you hear the door lock behind you. You are locked in and feeling very vulnerable. “He didn’t say anything about this” you think. The stiletto heels of the black platform heels click on the floor and your arms are crossed over your breast protecting them as... Read full Story
The most recent time I had sex..
So I had been getting these messages on a hook up app from this guy who looked very muscular and his messages seemed decent.I like decent nice normal people who aren't super crude about words and who treat me nicely so I ended up making plans with him.I met him at his apartment later that week.I was... Read full Story
Tranny Stories Made Me Do It
I’ve never had trouble finding a girlfriend. I’m a reasonably handsome guy and chicks love me. I’m into porn no more than any other guy, and I started reading tranny stories out of boredom. In time, my curiosity took over. I imagined that guys wanted to fuck shemales because tha... Read full Story
The Roommate
I’ve been rooming with Bob for two years now. He and I met about 5 years back, while we both worked at the grocery store to get through college. We were good friends from the moment we met. We had similar interests, were both outgoing, good looking, and hated working at the grocery store. ... Read full Story
His sexy flies catches my eye
Another routine day was passing as I carried my shopping bags back home. Turning up a side street the late afternoon sun shining I suddenly encountered the most sexy guy I had ever seen. He was so cool that I hadn't even seen guys on TV as cool and good looking as that. He was an Asian guy in his... Read full Story
I had just gotten off the train from my work, and now I was standing outside of the station, waiting for my bus in the freezing cold. I wasn't overreacting; it was really cold. I was wearing a thick winter coat and gloves, but I wished I would have remembered to bring a scarf or something, because I... Read full Story
Black Master, white sissy Part 1
Every one who saw me at work used to think I was Mr. Clean, Mr. Respectable. I work in advertising and I used to model my appearance on the sort of guys you find between the pages of GQ. Very American, very preppy. I was a nice middle-class boy with a nice expensive haircut and a nice expensive suit... Read full Story
Sexing It Up
What catches your eye when you're viewing sample pornographic video clips on the Internet? When it comes to sex, my own tastes are eclectic, although I find myself watching videos involving anal sex, bisexual threesomes, cum shots, gay males, lesbians, oral sex, public nudity, shemales, and spank... Read full Story
I went back for a male massage...
After my last visit, as I said my head was spinning...I'm not gay, but I loved being used that day...have a cock in my mouth and in my ass??...but, I loved here I was again...when I went in, I didn't see the same was asain women this time...???...ok, this can still be fun but...A ... Read full Story
Good fucking
Thank God 3 months at sea not had rest or sex havin men around 24/7 can do things to a man,singapore been here few times wid times and some fucked up shit wow, left for land 3 days leave was gonna make the most of it. went in couple bars checking things out see what was happening, found out there... Read full Story
End of the Beginning
Jamie stood there with her mouth hung open for a moment. She was utterly shocked. How could it be true? Chloe and Josh met at basic, how could they be engaged? It had only been a month since Jamie left. Tears stood in her eyes but refused to fall. This was not at all what she had envisioned. “... Read full Story
Been Caught Cheating Chapter 2
I awoke in the morning to voices. It was Angela and her sister Heather! I could here them in the next room talking, but couldn't make out the words. Everything was still dark though. And I was still bound to the bed, and gagged. I had stayed like that all nightlong. Trying to move, I also found that... Read full Story
Best of Both Worlds
Keith, 37, and Linda, 35, are very liberal people. Both enjoy sex although Keith had bi-sexual fantasies, he would never act on them, but also thought his wife was maybe a little shy and too submissive. Keith was a fairly attractive man, but his wife was still gorgeous at her age. With her long b... Read full Story
A Rare Treat
It was late. No one else was around. She could feel her pussy getting hot before she even put the movie in the DVD player. It was a lesbian flick, no plot, just hardcore girl-fucking. Justine always loved watching women fuck each other. Perhaps it was because she could never do it just like they cou... Read full Story
The Coach's Chance Encounter
Eddy McCants rolled the rack of basketballs back into the athletic storage room at Liddell County High School. After coaching the varsity boys to the final four in the state tournament last season, he had a good feeling that his team would make it at least as far this time around because he had thre... Read full Story
Why TS Gurls are Better
It was going on 2am and me and a friend had just left another bar and ended up at one of the last clubs open in the city. I was pretty intoxicated and tired of walking around the city. I bought an energy drink at the bar and sat on a near by love seat as my friend danced with a couple blonde girls w... Read full Story
First time dressing up
I was always interested in women's clothing. I don't know what it was but it just made me wonder what it was like to be a girl. When i was 15 i finally gave into my curiosity and wanted to browse my s****rs clothes. I went into my s****rs room when the house was empty and opened up her closet. I saw... Read full Story
Second meet
So I arranged for this guy to come round, was a good few month after my first time so my ass was tight again. I was in the usual, fishnet suspenders, heels, skirt, bra and ladies bikini bottoms, as I had no girly ones which were clean. I answered the door to him and led him upstairs, same routine, t... Read full Story
My struggle
I always used to swear to myself all the time that I was straight as can be. Even when I jacked off to BJ scenes when I watched porn as a kid. And even when I started enjoying shemale videos. But since I admitted to myself that I could be bisexual and that I love dick as much as I love pussy, I'... Read full Story
My first sexual experience with a man
My first time having sex with a man, learning to be a girl that I felt inside. I was 20 years old, just moved to the UK, with my wife at the time as I was stationed at one of the bases there. I had been dressing up and wearing panties and stockings and bras mostly up till that time. I had a coupl... Read full Story
Nur eine Fantasie Da ist dieses schöne Mädchen mit der verräterischen Beule in der Hose. Wir sitzen neben einander und unsere Hände gleiten über den Körper des anderen. Unsere Lippen küssen sich und die Zungen spielen mit einander. Sanft zwirble ich ihre kleinen Brustwarzen und ziehe sanft an ihnen... Read full Story
How I got started dressing
I was a sophomore in high school and like any teenage boy I was extremely horny. I masturbated atleast once a day usually 2 or even 3 times because I had so much time on my hands. I started off watching plain straight porn but I watched so much of it daily that I started to get bored of it. I just u... Read full Story
The Mood
Somehow the mood was just right. Curling up in bed with my loved one was always something which I liked to do but there was not always time to be close. This morning was different. This morning neither of us had anything to get up for and we had both had an early night. I did not feel guilty abou... Read full Story
Stairway To Heaven
Shruti sat next to her husband Manav in the dim light of their car as the driver drove past the park which was commonly known as the "Garden of Earthly delights". At night the roads were lined with hundreds of glistening bodies for hire to satisfy sexual pleasures and unspoken desires &nda... Read full Story
Amy Finally Lives Out Her Fantasies Part 3
Amazing the things one finds when on their significant other's computer. Benjamin -- or should I call you "Kyle"? -- you really should be more careful with hidden files, cookies and predictable passwords. You, along with anyone who reads this story (including you Dave), are reading t... Read full Story
Marla Makes My Wife
I'm kneeling on the edge of the bed, my stocking-clad wife moaning in ecstasy as my shaft moves in and out of her cum-filled pussy. I watch her breasts jiggle in time with our sex. But what's really driving me mad is the feel of a hard shaft of flesh moving in and out of my ass, complimenting my mov... Read full Story
My Ebony Prince
I love dressing for my man, Terry. When he grips my legs through the stockings I wear I feel dirty, slutty, and oh so loved. The way he lifts my frilly negligee and peppers my stomach and thighs with wet, meaty kisses always makes me leak through my panties. He licks my moist clitty through the fabr... Read full Story
My Overseas Experience With A Bunch Of Shemales
I spent my first year in the states and then got transferred to thailand where my story really begins.We landed in bangkok and after we got settled in we headed downtown because we knew this place was full of whores. We spent the whole night drinking and fucking. I saw some of the most beautiful wom... Read full Story
He got all whispery and pointed down to his crotch. I almost giggled.Then he goes "Is it true you have a dick?" I looked directly at him and told him he should put his hands downmy pants and find out. I don't know whatcame over me. I had seen the same nurse looking at me ever sincei sta... Read full Story
Erotic Daydreams
Sometimes I think my parents should have named me Eykan, rather than Eukan. Since I was old enough to get an erection, I have masturbated one or more times a day, three hundred sixty-five days a year. I don't know how much semen I have spilled, but I'm sure that were every sperm in it had impregnate... Read full Story
Fantasy Reversal Chapter 4
I looked each way as I exited the room. Thankfully, the elevator was only about four doors down and the hall was quiet. With my bag in tow I walked to the elevator pushing the button, my reflection in full view in the polished elevator door. I stood there, for a few moments as if in a trance as I... Read full Story
Brandi's Diary
This Friday is my 21st birthday, and I could not be happier about the wild young girl I've become over the last three years. The following is the mostly true story of how I went from a scrawny geek to the hottest t-girl in all of Los Angeles. I'll fill you in more on my background as my story goe... Read full Story
My sissy secret
I am a male, but I have a secret. In private I dress as a beautiful sissy and no one knows. I have a large selection of lingerie and outfits, that make me hard when I wear them. Recently things have got even more exciting, since I've discovered how horny performing things on web cam. I don't car... Read full Story
First CD experience
I was having difficulty hailing a cab after a night out when I saw her walking towards me. A slim blonde in big heels, black fishnets, a pale pink mini skirt and a snug fitting black playboy bunny top exposing her midriff. Anyone would have spotted her a mile off. At this point I was quite simply lo... Read full Story
My first encounter
This story details my first encounter with a stranger I met over the internet. I was 25 and reall getting into being a girl, I dressed all the time, and dreamed of sucking a cock dressed as who I really wanted to be. So I took a plunge in meeting someone for a quick bj in the area. I sent him some p... Read full Story
1st time giving head
1st time giving head I had just broke up with my gf. I had been dressing off and on since I was a kid. Always been turned on by it. I use to sneak into my older sisters room and try on her on her panties. Love the way they felt. I would get hard and rub my little clitty but did not know how to mast... Read full Story
My name is Cheri, I live my life in lace and satin. I have always loved the way those materials feel against my soft skin. I have shoulder length red hair and bright green eyes. My friends used to call me Charles but about 12 years ago i had this epiphany that i felt out of place as a man and one ni... Read full Story
Dance of Lust
I'd landed it. The hottest girl in school, Adelle, was dancing with me, the quiet, slightly-feminine-bodied guy nobody knows, at the school's Christmas Dance. But everyone would know now. The last slow song had just played, and all the while I knew both of us were thinking the same thing: my plac... Read full Story
Connie at an Adult Bookstore
Disclaimer: The following story is not intended for minors. If you are offended by sexually explicit material or it is not legal in your place of residence, please close the document now. If not, I hope you enjoy my attempt at entertaining you with stories of my adventures. * Let me start by i... Read full Story
Additional Thoughts on Sodomy
Although, in the world (or worlds?) of pornography and erotica, it is politically incorrect, perhaps, to suggest that the body, whether male or female, is not built for anal intercourse, the fact is that anyone who has participated in this act (especially on the receiving end) or who has enjoyed wat... Read full Story
Working Away From Home
Im an engineer by trade and my job sometimes takes me to different parts of the country, customers want me to design a specific peice of machinery for them. I had an appointment with a firm just on the outskirts of Manchester, my company had booked me into a nice hotel for 3 nights whilst i was u... Read full Story
Fist Time With a Teacher
Jake an average senior boy got C's in most of his classes but he was failing his Creative Writing class. One day he came into class about 10 minutes late and when the teacher, Ms. Wess, asked him why he was late he responded with 'Sorry Ms. Wess, my mom was being a bitch and made me clean the dishes... Read full Story
At Jake's Cabin
Jake and I had been secretly seeing each other for about a year. We took every chance we could get to go and fuck. Jake’s famly had a cabin on a private pond in northern Minnesota. He had asked me to go up there with him for spring break. He told the fam that it was a guy’s weekend to fi... Read full Story
Hidden Surprise
After staring at Angela's crotch for what seemed to be forever, the shocked young woman asked, "I-is that what I think it is???" "I guess it depends on what you think it is," Angela replied softly. "But how, why???" Midori asked. " I mean you have a cock for christ... Read full Story
My name is Cheri, I live my life in lace and satin. I have always loved the way those materials feel against my soft skin. I have shoulder length red hair and bright green eyes. My friends used to call me Charles but about 12 years ago i had this epiphany that i felt out of place as a man and one ni... Read full Story
Halloween Surprise, Pt 1
It’s been a while since this happened but I remember it like it was yesterday. I had just turned 17a few days before my favorite holiday. I’m a good looking guy, 5’6” maybe 140 lbs. Not the biggest guy in HS but not the smallest either. I have what I call camouflage colored eyes. Sometimes thei... Read full Story
Greg decided to go straight. I had to find a new place to live. A nice man, Pete, who I knew from the YMCA, offered me a place in his basement. He was going to rent it out. It was nice, full kitchen, bedroom, laundry room, living room and another space for anything I would need. His rent was che... Read full Story
The best sister ever
From birth I have always had a thing for my youngest sister.She pranced around the house like an angel and the day everything changed is when I was 10 and she was 11 and we were both home alone. She was "old enough" to look after me according to my mother and my parents left for thier meal... Read full Story