Free Stories

A Thrilling Adventure
This is a story about one of my friends. She's xtremebly attractive and is a 24/7 girl that I've known for two years. Every now and then we get together and fuck like minks but that's another story altogether. This is a story she told me about one of her many exploits. My name is Anastasia---I'm ... Read full Story
Everything Is Not As It Seems
The ad says Femdom looking for malesub. Must be willing to follow all my instructions. Call xxx-xxx-xxxx for consideration. Well I answer the ad and am told to show up at the femdom’s home at 7:00. I arrive at the front door and am greeted by a beautiful woman. She’s wearing a low cut... Read full Story
Job Description
My life changed recently and I’m still trying to figure out if it’s for the better. My name is Don and I’m 18 years old and fresh out of high school. My grades weren’t good enough to get me a scholarship and my parents make too much money to qualify for government money. So a... Read full Story
Bitch Maker Part 1
Alex was a rather short fellow, timid, and obedient, Sammie's type exactly. Sammie lay on her back with Alex's face between her thighs, his mouth working on her balls, her legs on his shoulders. She moaned and arched her back, reaching down to wrap her fingers in Alex's hair and grind his face into ... Read full Story