Free Stories

Planet of the Gigantic Schlongs
It all began in a place not too long ago but in a faraway place. There was a planet way out of the galaxy that no researcher ever discovered and most likely never will be. The story begins on a planet called Weenus. Nobody knows how the planet got its name. Perhaps we’ll never know&hellip... Read full Story
Sexy CD Hubby
When we were first married I found that my husband had a penchant for women's clothing. I also discovered that I found his little fetish pretty hot myself. I not only encouraged his dressing but also helped him with it. I took him shopping for lingerie, skirts, shoes, boots, camisoles,wigs etc... Wi... Read full Story
My slave training continues
I stood there in only my 5 in red stilettos while Mistress walked round me, inspecting me. My budding breasts and erect nipples were quite obvious. I so wanted to be worthy for my Mistress and serve her well. She squeezed my balls "No sub, I own you now, you only get a hard clitty when I desire... Read full Story
Crazy dreams
I met Dave about 2 years ago at a swingers party. I had just turned 18 and he was 43. I remember thinking that it was hot that he was exactly 25 years older than me. I was dressed in drag and he was into t-gurls and he was married and hung like a horse and I happened to be into partying naked with b... Read full Story
The High Bidder Gets Chrissie
My BFF Kelly belongs to an Alternative Lifestyles Club and her being a member always seems to affect me. Several times a year the club hosts what they refer to as a "Slave Auction". The rules behind the auction state that certain members who are selected by random draw are required to br... Read full Story
the lollipop intro
I'd just put on a pair of really short cut offs and a cut up t-shirt that was midriff and loose on the shoulders. I was shaved smooth all over and my long hair fell over my shoulders, making me look quite femmy. I drove down the interstate sucking on a lollipop feeling sexy all over. After a bit, I ... Read full Story
You Just Never Know... ya know?
I was out on the road, On my way to Montreal at the end of my stint behind the wheel. I pulled into a roadside rest area, or lay-by... or in this case a 'pickle park', a cruising area for local and tranient gay and bi-men looking for a quick NSA hook-up. Hell, so was I. I was all nice and clean f... Read full Story
Tranny Stories Made Me Do It
I’ve never had trouble finding a girlfriend. I’m a reasonably handsome guy and chicks love me. I’m into porn no more than any other guy, and I started reading tranny stories out of boredom. In time, my curiosity took over. I imagined that guys wanted to fuck shemales because tha... Read full Story
Not A Boring Shemale Story
I really thought that Rebecca was a girl. And she really thought that I was aware that she wasn’t just a girl. We met one night out and exchanged phone numbers. She was hot and I thought that it would be great to hook up so I called her up. She arrived wearing very high heels and almost a s... Read full Story
A Fulfilling Life Part 1
Sophia Sappho, a beautiful society woman of 37 years, is having a few girlfriends over for cocktails one evening. Unbeknownst to her friends the hostess has a male washroom attendant available in the powder room. The first guest retires to the powder room a little urgently. Frantically she lifts ... Read full Story
My first time dressed
I've been working on feminizing myself for almost a's a difficult path to walk, since in normal life I'm very muscular and masculine, physically. That, plus I enjoy lifting weights, makes having a slim, female form a challenge. I've found some fitting dresses that a... Read full Story
Bar close
1:30 am. The bar was almost closed and he still hadn't found her. The right one. He had been yearning for something different for so long now and he still didn't know quite what. He scanned the room once more and shoved his stool back with a moody sigh. He heard a muttered curse behind him which cau... Read full Story
Giving shemale a blowjob for the first time
I've been fantasizing about a shemale cock for a long time. Get me right, I am a straight man and all, but somehow the idea of sucking a girl's dick always turned me on. I'm not a big fan of anal sex and I don't think I'd love someone's cock in my ass, I'd rather prefer to give shemale a blowjob. ... Read full Story
Hell of a night
I was about 18 at the time, and I did my usual Friday routine. Shower prettying up, then bored. I decided to go to my neighbors house, he was hanging out in his garage. In the recent months I would go over and hang out, he didn't care I was underage and would let me drink. So I got ready after doing... Read full Story
Whatever Your Heart Desires Part 2
I would love to say I had The Grand Plan: How To Transform Your Husband Into A Ravishing Fem-Toy, A To Z. The fact was, I didn't have a clue. It wasn't a topic normally covered by the Multiple Listing Service. I really didn't think the community library was going to be much help, either. I couldn't ... Read full Story
Another Delivery
A few months had passed since I made my ‘special delivery’ to my very appreciative customer. But as I checked my remaining deliveries as I parked up in a secluded lay-by as I ate my lunch, I recognised his name from my previous visit. Well, you don’t forget a visit like that, do you? Especially when... Read full Story
OMG how I love sex
I offered this comment with a gallery and video - "She was a t-girl .. worked at the deli counter .. large breasts, intense eyes, I wanted her to fuck me .. I put on a slutty outfit (as you see) .. ordered some cheese .. she asked if I wanted to "talk" in the back when she took her break .. it was b... Read full Story
Shemales Video For My Sexy Pleasure
The flight from LA took all of my strength - a few hours of sitting was not really my thing. Plus, this was a business trip to Boston, endless series of boring meetings where I discussed number and figures, and by the end of the day my head was buzzing; I desperately needed to relax. My laptop was o... Read full Story
Butt Sluts
My name is Jimmy James. When I started high school, my parents shipped me out to boarding school to teach me discipline. They were mad because I had always been a disappointment to them. I wasn’t terribly manly and I liked to dress in girls clothes. The more often they caught me dressed like a... Read full Story
Transvestite in trouble - the internet porn quee
Bright light filled the room, waking me from my unconciousness. so bright it took a while for my eyes to focus. When they did the first site i saw was myself, in the wall sized mirror opposite me, strapped to the chair. It was me only now i had masses of long blode hair, tied up in 2 pigtails, lo... Read full Story
The best sister ever
From birth I have always had a thing for my youngest sister.She pranced around the house like an angel and the day everything changed is when I was 10 and she was 11 and we were both home alone. She was "old enough" to look after me according to my mother and my parents left for thier meal... Read full Story
Let's do it together
I sit here with my dick in hand! All three of my girl friends and my two boy friends are out of town attending to their WORK and leaving this important stuff to me. I shall carry on alone until they return. I am looking at some pictures of a group of people fucking another group of people. Some are... Read full Story
Massage parlor surprise
I have to admit one of my biggest turn ons are shemales/ladyboys. In all my little ventures to asian massage parlors for some relaxing relief only once did I get a total surprise. About a year ago I visited one of my favorit little places and Mama said I should try her new girl....I might like her. ... Read full Story
Surprise Ending
I am 38 years old, married (for 13 years), and my job in sales takes me on a monthly business trip to various cities in the eastern US. I can’t say I have never been tempted on these trips away, but until last month just some friendly flirting at a bar was probably my biggest offense. That ch... Read full Story
The Coach's Chance Encounter
Eddy McCants rolled the rack of basketballs back into the athletic storage room at Liddell County High School. After coaching the varsity boys to the final four in the state tournament last season, he had a good feeling that his team would make it at least as far this time around because he had thre... Read full Story
The traffic police fuck me there...el agente de tránsito me coji
I got there. It was a dark and lonely street. The traffic police arrived, parked his patrol car behind me and made me sign that i must go with him. He opened the back door and told me to go up but kneeling, legs spread. So I did. He lowered my panties and pulled his cock big and hard. He put his fi... Read full Story
Making of a new Sissy
I became a Sissy at the hands of a friend of my parents. When they worked long hours they would normally ask a friend to check in on me to see if I was OK, despite the fact I was at this point 18. One time it was Tom who came over. He was mid 40's, an old friend of my dad's. A guy who ... Read full Story
First Time Fantasy
We talk online for long enough to build trust. He is aggressively letting me know how much he wants to fuck me. He is physically larger than me and slightly older. After cumming to and on my pics and videos several times over the course of weeks or months, we finally decide to meet. He may or may no... Read full Story
My day after forced feminization - fetish
My typical day starts with getting dressed in one of my favorite outfits. Short minidress, thigh highs, thongs, a corset and 6 inch Stilettos. I started wearing a corset to get my waist tighter and transition too the perfect hourglass figure. After Breakfast typically one of my wife's friends stop... Read full Story
Satisfied client
I still remember my first time with a shemale. It was a tall thin blonde that came into the office of our law company one day. I knew she was an attorney of one of our clients and I thought her boss, and my friend, sent her to express gratitude for the very good deal we helped him to close. As I ... Read full Story
Philippines Shemale
I first met Claire in a video chat room a few months ago. I was looking through the directory of a popular webcam site and found her picture. The petite Asian was shown with her legs spread high above her head and her mouth around the tip of her ten inch penis. Her nickname was TSFantasy and I knew ... Read full Story
Lucy's Secret
Eliza had been fucking her family for three days straight and she still had a week and half left for break. Eliza however; was due at Lucy-Ann's house in a few hours. She was sucking her father's thick cock and being fucked in the ass by her brother. "Oh yes, Daddy, Ethan. Make me your littl... Read full Story
Gloryhole slut last night
Well I was a horny slut last night and went to this little arcade in the city last night. Fully slutted out and in a new pair of silky nude hose I was hoping not to be disappointed....I was not! I payed my fee and went into the back to the booths where there were a massive amounts of guys in the ... Read full Story
Nancy finds out...
However, Nancy’s stay with us that summer was going to prove even more eventful than ever I could have imagined. Even after having been caught wearing her things by the neighbour’s son, Lesley, which led to a whole new dimension in our friendship, as you’ll know if you’ve rea... Read full Story
All Night Forced Sex Part 2
When I woke up I was in a darkened room and a woman was standing in front of me she was the most stunningly beautiful woman I'd ever seen before in my life. She's statuesque, about 30ish, with long red hair almost down to her perfectly shaped ass. She's wearing all black - a vest that pushes her bea... Read full Story
At Risk
Diane was proud to be a shemale. She loved having a beautiful face; long, silken hair; fabulous breasts; a firm, flat tummy; functioning male genitals; long, shapely legs; and firm, compact buttocks. She loved wearing makeup and dressing in fancy, frilly clothes. She also loved the way men ogled her... Read full Story
White sissy used by black Masters
I’m booked into a London hotel and, after you text me to say you’ve arrived, I text you back the room number. It seems like ages before I hear a firm knock at the door and I jump up, excited but nervous about what’s about to happen. I walk over and unlock the door, careful not to m... Read full Story
Sissy lola gets a treat
Last night was my first night as a sissy maid for my beautiful goddess maureen and i have been instructed to tell you what a dirty little cock sucking whore i have been. I have known goddess maureen for a while now, she has been giving me instructions via webcam. She would make me flog myself or ... Read full Story
Late Nite Hype
The past three months was spent by me trying to find a job. I looked & search every where to no avail. So, I went thru this temp service, Ameri-Temps for the time being. They gave me a study job. I worked the job for two weeks now it was cool cause i had got money in my pocket. After working so ... Read full Story
"What is it?" The woman unfolded the clump of material to expose a black lace bra and said, "I found it in his car, stuffed in a pocket behind the passenger seat." A tear rolled down her cheek, leaving a shadowy trail of mascara. Handing a tissue across his cluttered desk t... Read full Story
Darlene, Jack and I Part One
I was driving home from a local peep theater when my car broke down luckily I knew a couple from work that lived nearby. I called my road service company who told me they were unable to help me before Monday since it was a three day holiday weekend. Luckily, when I arrived at their home someone was ... Read full Story
My Ebony Prince
I love dressing for my man, Terry. When he grips my legs through the stockings I wear I feel dirty, slutty, and oh so loved. The way he lifts my frilly negligee and peppers my stomach and thighs with wet, meaty kisses always makes me leak through my panties. He licks my moist clitty through the fabr... Read full Story
My CD friend
I had been chatting to people on a ts chat room as I had recently become accustomed to do, when I received a private message from a local cross dresser. She asked me where I was from, how old I was etc and we found out we lived a few towns away from each other, both young guys and both really loved ... Read full Story
Job Interview with an Escort Service
On my 18th birthday, I had a job interview with a local escort service. It was actually my 16th birthday but I had managed to get a fake ID ;-) I had a female cousin that was escorting for this service and when she told them that she had a crossdressing bisexual male cousin, they wanted to meet me! ... Read full Story
First Night Nerves
My name is Timothy. I live in a large city in the English Midlands with my girlfriend Debbie. We are both 22 years old and have lived very happily together for over 3 years. We both work in a call centre for a large financial organisation. I am not tall – 5' 4" on a good day – and h... Read full Story
My First Sex Session
I am an Asian crossdresser living part-time. The reason I decided to dress is ever since I was little, I had been getting signals. First at my boarding school when I was fourteen, which is where that experience happened. Every Wednesday night was devoted to activities run by your adviser. I had an a... Read full Story
The party
So , we where on our way to the party that Monica had arrange for me , the party was in a motel suite on the hills , we drove for half hour , at the reception we where told to enter , some body where already there awaiting for us , we park the car and Leo indicate to go up the stairs , the place was... Read full Story
The Dark Backwards Ends !
These three ladies kind of cornered me. I'm looking down at a semi erect cock dangling from a miniskirt. The transsexual saw my reaction to her beige colored dick and asked " Do you want to taste it ? " Just as I was about to answer, a sharp knock at the bathroom door and a shrill voi... Read full Story
An Amazingly Intense Encounter
The front doorbell ringing woke me from a pleasant nap on my living room sofa. It was late in the evening, and I wasn't expecting anyone to drop by. When I opened the door, there you stood. From your long, pulled back hair, to the red leather bustier, ultra mini black leather skirt(so revealing... Read full Story
Natacha's dungeon,
Natacha's dungeon, For a long time, I have loved wearing lingerie because it always gives me so much excitement to contemplate myself as a woman in front of my mirror. I learned a long time ago to memorize feminine gestures and attitudes while perched on my pumps. I also know how to put on ma... Read full Story
The radio was loud and the top was down when I first saw her. She looked so beautiful sitting there at the bus stop.I remember her legs, they were long and tan and clad in silky smooth thigh highs. Her skirt shifted when she crossed her legs and I could see the garters clinging to her tan skin. S... Read full Story
The Mood
Somehow the mood was just right. Curling up in bed with my loved one was always something which I liked to do but there was not always time to be close. This morning was different. This morning neither of us had anything to get up for and we had both had an early night. I did not feel guilty abou... Read full Story
The Motel
I dressed in the clothes that i thought would show my assets of best (butt/legs). As i walked into the bar it fell silent just the result i was looking for. I strolled over to the bar sat on a stool and ordered a drink. Shortly after the waitress came over and asked if the gentleman in the corner... Read full Story
When She became He
A Good Friends Advice "You need a good massage" You know how it is, when everything is going so well, the only way to go................, is down. Let me explain. It started when I just knew I had to dump my boyfriend, even that was a loose term. The first part was true, in two w... Read full Story
A Special Girl Prologue
James was nervous. Alice would be arriving soon and he had a feeling that their relationship could be moving onto the next stage that night. He and Alice had been friends for years, and he had fancied her for most of them. He could still barely believe that they had been seeing each other for the la... Read full Story
Delivery Man Gets A Tip
Working for a local liquor distributorship you don't get to choose your routes or accounts, and being the lowest man on the Totem Pole you get even fewer options. So when I was told that my new delivery route was in the gay section of the city, I had to go. After a few weeks of getting the hang o... Read full Story