Free Stories

Down the Path
I hear the knocking on the door. Have my panties on under my shorts and tshirt. Nervously open the door and the man comes by me and I follow him into the living room. He stops and turns. 'On your knees now'. He moves in front of me showing me his ID so he knows I know who he is in case he gets ou... Read full Story
When I hear both of my parents starting to snore in the room below me, I quietly get out of bed and sneak over to my dresser. I dig past the piles of underwear in the top drawer until I find what I am looking for. I pull out the black silk g-string and slide it up my shaved legs, tucking my tiny coc... Read full Story
In Panties
From a very early age I have been wearing panties. I am not really interested in dressing further, at least not yet, but I love wearing silky feminine panties. The more feminine they are the more I like them. I love lace and flowers, and I love wearing them under my jeans when I go out. Whether it i... Read full Story
Don't Avoid Daddy
It feels like I haven't been used in ages. I'm too much of a scared sissy. I find guys from all over, talk, email, text sometimes. But when it really comes down to it I get too scared. I've been with this guy before, his cock is soda can thick and he's really rough. The day after my first encounter ... Read full Story
Wife Becomes Bitch
"This is a true story of my T journey. If you want to start from the start, try "The Odyssey", "The Odyssey Ch2","Becoming a wife" "Being a Wife" and "Lucy Learns More". Each story is self-contained and is an erotic vignette in itself. But fello... Read full Story
Friendly Neighborhood
"Oh my God Katie, your ass is so fucking hot" I hear as the cock slides in and out of me. "Yeah baby, suck my cock" comes from the guy standing in front of me with his dick in my mouth. I'm on my knees with a cock in my ass and one in my mouth. These cocks belong to my neig... Read full Story
Angel Chapter 3
On Monday morning, Angel Jones reported for her first day of work at the main office of the big London Bank. As she sat on a chair in the anteroom of the personnel office, she thought about what she would be doing there. It was almost a certainty that nobody in the bank knew she was a T-girl, becaus... Read full Story
Anna & Renee Bring Home the Boys
When we got home that night from the adult store we left as two, but came back to the house as four. Our newly acquired studs decided they were not finished with us so they followed us home. My pussy was so raw I didn’t think I could take any more action. My lips looked they they had just had ... Read full Story
Pretty Woman
Tyler was as nervous as anyone could be. Hazel eyes darted for the door as silky black stockings slid up smooth white legs to meet garter straps attached near lacy white panties. Next came the bra, straps catching on skin slightly sticky with perspiration. Heart pounding as the black pencil skirt gl... Read full Story
Both Sides Of The Coin
Jessica and I were back at the scene of the crime, so to speak. Her work friend, Mike, hosted a costume party every year on the Saturday night 8 days before the Super Bowl, "Because there's never anything else going on that weekend." Last year, that tagline on the invite offered suffic... Read full Story
French Frolic
Where to begin? It is never easy to know where to start with a confession. The easiest place to start is at La Rue - a tiny little dive of a club just a couple of blocks from my hotel in Paris. I had only been in Paris a couple of hours. I was extremely jet lagged but only had a few days to make the... Read full Story
How I became a cute femboy CD part 2
The game of husband and wife Kevin and I played went on for a little over 2 more weeks before we decided to go even further, I say we but it was Kevin who seduced me into it. We got together in our game as much as we could and it was a lot. I would always dress for him in various outfits and my ... Read full Story
A long fun weekend with Desi
I come over to your place after work on Friday evening. We are going over to one of your friends houses for a get together. I head home real quick and change clothed and get my bag for the weekend. I shoot you a text as I head out the door, "On my way". You are at home getting ready to go ... Read full Story
Play Day for Sara
It doesn’t happen often, but an opportunity opened up for me recently to take a day off to get a hotel room, get dressed, and entertain men. So I took it. When I discovered I would have this day to myself the previous week, I ran the following ad on craigslist: “Get ready boys – t4m super horny... Read full Story
Can I Be This Lucky? Chapter 2
As we rode towards her place, she told me a little more of her story. Her name was Alex. She was one of those little boys who never felt right. She always liked playing with the girls, with dolls & dressing up. She always felt like a girl in a boys body. I totally remembered the boys we called &... Read full Story
Best night ever
Well the beginning of the story is i meet this absolutely drop dead gorgeous women at an alternative bar, she invites me back to her dorm for some fun little did i know what i was walking into. we get to her dorm room, the whole way here we could not keep our hands off each other, we finally unlock ... Read full Story