Free Stories

Alexis Season
"Do you want to know the sex of the child?" Dr. Salinzki asked as he placed the ultrasound's transducer over Anne Williams' belly. "Your baby should be developed enough by to be able to tell with the ultrasound." "I think it would be good to know that, don't you?" An... Read full Story
My proposal
As you know from my previous stories, I hooked up with one of my best friends, Sarah, and since then we were lover. After almost 3 years of loving each other, i decided to take my girl in a mini`trip to HongKong for our anniversary. When we arrived there, we visited the town, and after some sex w... Read full Story
Amy's Surprise
Amy Carlson was a beautiful girl who lived about 3 blocks from my house in a town with less than 2,000 people. She was home schooled until she was 19, when she transferred to the high school for her senior year. Amy had brown, shoulder-length hair and beautiful green eyes. Her dad was a dentist s... Read full Story