Free Stories

With an 'E'
This story could come under a range of headings, Mature, Couplings, or Transgender. But, I guess, Transgender is best, as I have enjoyed the luxury of satin against my body for some time now. Having Lived alone for the last few years, soft, swirly clothing and satin panties keep me constantly ... Read full Story
Kimberly Wilder: An Assessment
Pull up a chair. Oh. That's right. If you're reading this article, you're most likely at your computer monitor, which means that you've already pulled up a chair. Okay, good. In this article, I'm going to review the splendid art of a magnificent (and very beautiful, too, by the way) transgende... Read full Story
First Time Drag Chapter 2
We'd been together for almost one full year, maybe the happiest year of my life. Michael had expanded his feminine side, dressing up and wearing makeup more often than not. His hair had grown too, now almost at shoulder-length. Though twenty-one, he was still really just a boy, or maybe just a girl.... Read full Story
Erotic Daydreams
Sometimes I think my parents should have named me Eykan, rather than Eukan. Since I was old enough to get an erection, I have masturbated one or more times a day, three hundred sixty-five days a year. I don't know how much semen I have spilled, but I'm sure that were every sperm in it had impregnate... Read full Story
My First Cock
Im just your ordinary guy, night and day watch on this site when im horny. Still havent understood my fascination for this site but im here everyday for the last 4 years. Within that time i have slowly had urges to buy stuff so i bought butt plugs vibrators just to get so i knew who it actually f... Read full Story
‘Fuck yes! Yes Daddy! Fuck me like a little bitch!’ I scream into the pillow. My arched back allowing my partner full access to my greedy asshole. He slams harder in response. One leg bent, pointing a pink glossy stiletto heel towards the ceiling, bouncing against my stocking clad legs. Straig... Read full Story
Photo Op
Stanley Lewis pulled his Toyota Corolla into the Arco gas station, parking behind the red Mustang convertible, the driver of which, a leggy blonde in a mini-skirt, was refueling her vehicle. Stanley had been driving all morning, having started in Kingman, Arizona, completing the final leg of his tri... Read full Story
A hard fuck fantasy
I want my man to fuck me. I’ve met him a month ago on the internet, on a transexual dating site. I am a 22 year old transvestite who’s discovered crossdressing at 18 with my ex-girlfriend - or rather in the back of my ex-girlfriend. I started wearing her underwears she had left at my pl... Read full Story
Cincinnati Apocalypse Part 2
This time, however, his fight against the Cincinnati Hellmouth was more personal. This time, it wasn't about loyalty; it wasn't about saving the world. It was about vengeance. It was about Anya. Although Xander hadn't seen Anya's death himself, Andrew Wells, who'd been with her at the time she'd ... Read full Story
Fucking with Gina!
Hi! Here I am with my own story! I’m a young white guy, a good looking son of a bitch! When I was a college student, one of those numerous young people who always rush for something, then I was a focus of interest for lots of chicks around! But then something changed. Changed a lot. As I remem... Read full Story
The Sexiest Shemales Part 2
Holly and I didn't want to waste our day so got up and got ourselves in the shower. We stripped off our g-strings that we were still wearing from our sex fest and turned on the hot water. We always shower together. Sometimes we will fuck each other in there or suck each other off but we just had sex... Read full Story
Marla Makes My Wife
I'm kneeling on the edge of the bed, my stocking-clad wife moaning in ecstasy as my shaft moves in and out of her cum-filled pussy. I watch her breasts jiggle in time with our sex. But what's really driving me mad is the feel of a hard shaft of flesh moving in and out of my ass, complimenting my mov... Read full Story
My stepmother has a surprise for me
My name is Robert, I'm 18, skinny and not too tall. I've never had much luck with girls, in fact I never dated one and I used to spent my days playing games on my computer and watching porn. Shemale porn. Dominant shemales fucking men. I wish i could be one of those men on the videos, that turned me... Read full Story