Free Stories

Uncles Ranch
My Uncles Ranch Its late May and school is getting out for summer break finally next year marks the start of college but who cares about that. I’m excited to do the basic summer fun like hangout with my friends go to movies and of course get in touch with my shemale side. When I get home my parents... Read full Story
Amie's Games
I met Amie at Black Angus where I worked bussing tables at 18. She was 24 and beautiful with a slim sexy body, long straight black hair and a look that oozed sex appeal. She dressed to show it all off, whether in jeans or short skirts. I was still a virgin and hopelessly shy with girls, I was out of... Read full Story
What Life Throws at You
Kind of funny what life throws your way. Some times fate can be a fickle bitch. My name is Rick Tyler and I'm a cop. Well, detective actually. At least I was until 30 seconds ago. I dropped my badge and gun on the desk of the idiot that pretended to be my boss. Baker looked at me with distain. We ha... Read full Story