Free Stories

Mary Ann and the Tim the Ranch Hand
A few months after my girlfriend moved away suddenly to her grandparents home across the country,( I learned a few years ago she got pregnant) I was riding around on my bike in the street when my neighbor Mary Ann called me over. She was 18, I was still 12 at the time and very horny since my girlfri... Read full Story
Black Dickgirl Fanstay
It was only when she emerged from the bedroom in a purple silk nightie that not only clung to her full breasts, but also betrayed the hint of a bulge between her legs, that I realised that it was actually going to happen: my fantasy of sleeping with a black shemale was about to come true. She paused... Read full Story
Pregnant Fantasy Come True!
I met Craig a few years back when I found him on a hook up web site. I was in desperate need for some cock since it had been such a long time since my last encounter. And it’s hard to find a good match living in the, small town Midwest. But luck was on my side when Craig answered my ad. He was a... Read full Story
I Fooled Everyone But the Black Pimp Part 4
Fuck. I said I wasn’t going to do any drugs and I’m drinking this Gatorade that I know has something in it. Trish said it would help my nerves, and it has, I feel loose…and very horny. When I’m usually horny my cock is hard but right now, I’m putting lotion on my body and I’m going really slow over ... Read full Story
Maddie and the unexpected visitor
Ding Dong Knock Knock Knock went the door. I hurried downstairs to open it. Standing there was an engineer dressed in blue overalls. A bearded mid forty year old. Quite handsome. Engineer: Hey, I’ve been doing some work in the area on some gas pipes. There seems to be a problem coming from the... Read full Story
Job Description
My life changed recently and I’m still trying to figure out if it’s for the better. My name is Don and I’m 18 years old and fresh out of high school. My grades weren’t good enough to get me a scholarship and my parents make too much money to qualify for government money. So a... Read full Story
Bike time and BekkaCD
Well it was a warm July evening last year during Muskegon Bike time. I was feeling all warm and fuzzy from the few drinks that i had earlier in the day. I had chose to post a ad on craigslist seeking a couple harley riders that would be into having some fun with a gurl such as myself.Well to my surp... Read full Story
Office Fun - Part 2
Marcia was sitting in the car park of the office, about to leave having just finished work, when she saw Lee walk out of the building and head towards his car. It had been four days since they had fucked in the office, and she was eager for a second round. She checked herself in the rear view mirror... Read full Story
How I Became Vanessa Part 2
Hello dear readers, I strongly encourage you to read the first chapter of this story to fully grasp the sudden changes which affected my life. I dressed up with a very tight black long sleeves top and a black mini-skirt. I added a choker necklace like the one Elena used to wear. I chose a pair... Read full Story
Sarah, My First
This is my first submission I thought I'd kick of with one that I would love to happen to me, if you don't like transsexual/gay stories this probably isn't one for you, if it is enjoy and I hope you enjoy. I've always wanted to enjoy another cock in my bed but never had the guts to do it I suppos... Read full Story
A trendy upscale bar in La Jolla on a warm Friday night was not what I had planned. It's not usually my crowd, but a friend asked me to join him and I didn't really have any plans for the evening. What the hell I figured, I might even meet someone interesting. It's a warm summer evening with a li... Read full Story
Admitting My Secret Part 1
I heard the door open but the sound of foot steps was muted by the thick carpet covering the floor. I was hogtied and blindfolded on the floor of our apartment. It was a game Julie and I had played numerous times. She was my Domme and I was her slave, her pet and her filthy little piggy. Julie wa... Read full Story
Headmistress' Favorite Sport Part 10
When Denise came to she was lying in bed. She had been washed and she could no longer feel the annoying diaper rash. In fact she felt fine, clean and well rested. On her feet were what turned out to be black Oxfords with seven-inch heels. Her ankles were in steel cuffs and connected by a eight-inch ... Read full Story
A Day Driving in the Country
Day off, out for a drive. What a predicament, standing on the side of the road next to my open car door with my hands straight up in the air; looking down the barrel of a Highway Patrolman's handgun. I'm about to pee my pants, that is what little bit of pants I have on. The Highway Patrolman is d... Read full Story
Casey's Insatiable Desires
I came into school wearing a pair of my sister's panties in the morning under my school uniform purely because it felt great. Plus I knew I was getting away with something, wearing soft female underwear when all the rest of the boys at school had no idea. I slipped on the white lacy tangas as soon a... Read full Story
Superbowl Party
I was very surprised when my brother-in-law Tom invited me to watch the super bowl with some of his friends. The only reason he would “invite” me over was to be his little sex sissy, since he had enough pictures of me dressed as a girl sucking and being fucked by him I had no choice but ... Read full Story
The Superbowl
I was very surprised when my brother-in-law Tom invited me to watch the super bowl with some of his friends. The only reason he would “invite” me over was to be his little sex sissy, since he had enough pictures of me dressed as a girl sucking and being fucked by him I had no choice but ... Read full Story
A Second Crazy Adventure Chapter 1
It started with a phone call one day, I answered my cell phone and heard, “Hi this is Greg from that night in my adult toy store, do you remember me?” I said, “Yeah, I remember, why are you calling me if you don’t mind me asking?” He replied, “I’ve got... Read full Story
Chrissie and Julian
One of my oldest and wealthiest clients is a foreign born gentleman I'll refer to as Julian. I don't see Julian as often as some of my other clients but always look forward to a session with him. I think the reason I so enjoy my time with Julian is because I never know what to expect from him. Whe... Read full Story
Seducing Daddy
I had started crossdressing when I was 5 years old when I went trick or treating as Princess Leia for Halloween. The first time I pulled on a pair of pantyhose, I was eight years old. I could not understand how a piece of clothing that I could crumple into the palm of my hand could cover my mother's... Read full Story
Finding A New Purpose Chapter 4
Several weeks passed, and Mike and I began settling into a bit of a routine. There was no way we could have sex every night, especially seeing how much it took out of me. I would wake up in his bed, still dizzy from what happened every time we fucked. Most times, he was rough with me, but I had come... Read full Story
Boss Lady
Ross looked at the torn-out magazine page tacked onto the wall of his cubicle. In the picture, a man lounged in a reclining with a drink in his hand. A bikini-clad woman, who looked a little like Carmen Electra, leaned against a palm tree and gazed blissfully at the man. The headline across the top ... Read full Story
Call me
Shortly after I'd finished college I had a job with an import-export business whose main office was located near the cultural center. This area of the city was home to a small arts college, a large public library, several bookstores a small upscale hotel and a couple museums. I often spent my lunc... Read full Story
When I hear both of my parents starting to snore in the room below me, I quietly get out of bed and sneak over to my dresser. I dig past the piles of underwear in the top drawer until I find what I am looking for. I pull out the black silk g-string and slide it up my shaved legs, tucking my tiny coc... Read full Story
Just a Dream
Ok – now here is the deal – in no way is what you are about to read a real story. It was only just a dream – going to put this down as fast and best I can remember it all before I forget. I walked into the packed sports bar wearing my U of State T-shirt. Not a seat to be found &... Read full Story
My mother told me never to take a girl into an alley at night. She went on about how dangerous they were, with strangers lurking in dark doorways waiting to do horrible things to the people who wander in alleys. Alleys can be dark, imposing and dirty especially in the city. I spent my youth avoiding... Read full Story
The Room Mate
My wife and I have been happily married for about nine years now. We had never slept with anyone else during our relationship. I have greatly enjoyed my time with her. However a few weeks ago a coworker of my wife’s moved in with us. Her name was Denise and she had just lost her job, car, and ... Read full Story
How I Became Vanessa Chapter 2
Hello dear readers, I strongly encourage you to read the first chapter of this story to fully grasp the sudden changes which affected my life. I dressed up with a very tight black long sleeves top and a black mini-skirt. I added a choker necklace like the one Elena used to wear. I chose a pair... Read full Story
Free Shoes
"Lift your leg up on the sink and pull your panties down again. I like to watch you submit," the voice behind me commands. I didn't intend to go this far. It was supposed to be harmless fun. But as my throbbing cockhead rests against the cold of this stranger's bathroom sink and I can see ... Read full Story
Everything Is Not As It Seems
The ad says Femdom looking for malesub. Must be willing to follow all my instructions. Call xxx-xxx-xxxx for consideration. Well I answer the ad and am told to show up at the femdom’s home at 7:00. I arrive at the front door and am greeted by a beautiful woman. She’s wearing a low cut... Read full Story
Your Son, My Daughter
I met Brad a couple months shy of both his graduation from high school and his 18th birthday, lucky me yeah. We were both jogging at the local park. Brad was a pale, slender, white-boy that always seemed to wear small shorts, well they weren't exactly small, they were regulation racing shorts. ... Read full Story
My First Encounter
I had just moved to a brand new city to take a high paying finance job. I had been some what of a workaholic my first six months here. I was working around the clock 7 days a week to make a good first impression. My hard work had finally paid off and I had received a promotion that came with a quite... Read full Story
Daddy and his wicked ways
My name is Miss ________________ (You fill in the blanks). I am a TV/TS/CD who likes to be used in a sexual context by manly men. This tale is about me and my desire to be used over and over again. In a way I'm a little reluctant to share my fantasies with the great British public because they&... Read full Story
Nicole comes out
In the early days of chatting online, so many years ago now, I used to chat a lot in various kinds of sexually themed chatrooms. More often than not I chatted under a female screenname. I’ve always had a very strong feminine side and I was good enough to get away with it. Under the various female na... Read full Story
I Fooled Everyone But the Black Pimp Part 5
I had a few moments this night that will remain with me forever, and this was one of them. It was like I had an overhead view of myself. I could see my hands moving, one up and down Keiths cock, the other softly massaging his big balls. I see my hoop earrings, my red lips and my temporary tattoo. I ... Read full Story
Can I Be This Lucky? Chapter 2
As we rode towards her place, she told me a little more of her story. Her name was Alex. She was one of those little boys who never felt right. She always liked playing with the girls, with dolls & dressing up. She always felt like a girl in a boys body. I totally remembered the boys we called &... Read full Story
Birthday Party
It was now about 11 pm and Sue and I have been at it for the past 3 hours. Sue had me get up and go into the bathroom. As I stood in the shower I thought of what we did. Sue knew how to pull the right strings on me or in me. And she knew what pleased me. I washed all over. I had no idea of what was ... Read full Story
Tea-Girl's Repeat Performance
It was the last night before my girlfriend was due back from the Hen Night she was on, and I had already washed her clothes from my previous day's fun with the electricity meter reader, during which I made a mess of her satin thongs, pantyhose and white body-tight top. I wanted to relax, with a bott... Read full Story